Religion is nothing but a collection of conspiracy theories:

An imaginary being constantly watching you and logging your offences, waiting 
for the day you die and then judging you. But you can offend and apologize any 
number of times.

If you offend and die before you can say you’re sorry then you are thrown into 
a bottomless place where you will keep on burning against all laws of science, 
for eternity, a concept you will have to put in much work to understand. 

If you are lucky and get a favourable judgement, you will be sent to paradise. 
That’s a place where you will be bored out of your skull with constant music 
and nothing else. You will also get to stay in a mansion of endless rooms. You 
will not see the imaginary friend’s presence but you will feel it.

If these are not enough conspiracy theories, then of course you need more. 
These right wing groups (didn’t know religion has them too) will call in 
Consecration of countries to prevent wars and revolving suns seen by very young 
peasant girls. If that is still not enough, you can read Revelations which will 
suffice to give you PTSD without actually experiencing a war.

So much for conspiracy theories.


> On Mar 24, 2022, at 4:47 PM, wrote:
> Does anyone understand the complex reasonings and beliefs in the various 
> wings of the RC Church!
> Sent from my iPhone

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