When trying to figure out the real reasons for any troubling events, I benefit 
from George Pinto’s sage advice to me on Goanet:
Follow The Money

Sometimes this can be a little difficult to do. They are so many money trails 
to follow. But sooner or later you will come across, hidden in layers of media 
fluff the proverbial needle in the haystack, the diamond in the rock. 

Let’s look at Ukraine. 
What is America’s greatest fear? The decline of the petrodollar. 

A brief explanation of the petrodollar. 
The USD has been the world’s most favoured currency of exchange. That means 
every meaningful international transaction takes place through the USD. The 
biggest transactions are in the sale of oil. Therefore the petrodollar is the 
US Dollar.
The US has been getting away from the consequences of its ever expanding 
balloon - its deficit and the interest on it - by printing money. It can get 
away with this because there is a demand for that currency. Change that 
equation and the US will no longer be a superpower.

Look at the genesis of all the countries that have incurred US wrath. 
Venezuela, Iran, Libya and recently China and Russia. All of these countries 
are major oil producers or in the case of China, importer and most of them have 
made demands for replacing the petrodollar with Euro, Yuan and Rouble for their 
own transactions.

The US will tolerate everything in a country. Corruption, dictators, genocide - 
everything but replacement of the petrodollar.

The US cannot meaningfully confront Russia or China because of their nuclear 
capacity. So they will try the old method of provoking with a thousand cuts. 
They did this with Putin but Putin being the type of an individual that he is, 
he did not take it lying down. He retaliated. The USA cannot let him get away 
with it not because it desires peace and harmony but because if he comes out 
the victor, so does the petrorouble, the petroyuan, the petroeuro , the 
petrorupee and the currency of every major oil producer and importer. 

That may be the end of US dominance. Let’s see where this goes.


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