
When I lived in Nairobi in the 1960s  and early 1970s, I remember buying
baskets of highly addictive Alphonso-type mangoes from Malindi, Kenya. They
were luscious and juicy every bit as those I remembered from our mango
trees in Raia.

So it’s possible that the Alphonso mango did originate and come from
Malindi, for really it’s only found in Goa!

If this is true, Albuquerque can be said to have made some reparations for
his rather violent actions on the shores of the Indian Ocean!

For us here in Canada, we await mangoes from Chile and Ecuador as well as
Mexico. Much like the Alphonso. But most expatriate South Asians await the
arrival of delectable mangoes from Pakistan!

On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 11:53 AM Adolfo Mascarenhas <>

> Mel
> I read your piece on Who Was Alphonso ?  Message
> Message: 1 Message-ID: <>
>                 Dated: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 06:55:45 -0400 with considerable
> interest.
> This fellow called Alfonso de Albuquerque.has been on my radar screen for
> decades partly because of his partly because of my Philately both as a
> hobby and as an advisor to the Government of Tanzania and the lessons I
> learnt in Zimbabwe.  A few years ago Albuquerque came to my interest
> because not only was he interested in genetics of mangoes and potatoes but
> also he had an idea of creating a super race.  Three Portuguese women
> smuggled on a ship coming to Goa. The sailors obviously had a good time.
> When the ships reached Goa and Admiral AA found out he had these women
> whipped.  Then he had a change of heart and said he would pay for their
> dowries.  Adm.Alf.Alb  actually wanted to create a super race Portugese
> sailors and soldiers with fair maidens Hindu or Moslems
> *Strange fellow indeed *
> And to think that there are Goans named after this Admiral…In class, in St
> Josephs Convent School DSM we had Lawrence and Victor Albuquerque. They
> stayed at the junction of Pugu Road and Ring St. Their Dad worked in the
> Tanganyika Standard.
> I am wondering why we do not export Mangoes  from Tanzania  ....In these
> troubled days we should send some to Ukraine ...some to Putin and Biden
> Grandolfo
> Makonjo Juu
> I think Admiral A Albu got the mangoes from East Africa....I  ate part of
> a huge succulent mango for breakfast ...the seed is tiny ....there are goes
> the size of a hens egg just suck them .....raw mango with salt
> ...Mango juice, jams, pickles and I do not know what else.

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