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Falklands offered to settle Uganda Asians
Wednesday, January <https://en.mercopress.com/2003/01> 1st
<https://en.mercopress.com/2003/01/01> 2003 <https://en.mercopress.com/2003> -
20:00 UTC
Full article

In a surprise report, it has been revealed that the Falklands were one of
several countries asked by the British Government in 1972 to settle Asian
Ugandans expelled by the dictator Idi Amin, and that the Falklands were one
of the few to agree to help.

Official documents released yesterday (January 1st) by the Public Records
Office disclose that the Falklands agreed to take a small number of
doctors, teachers, artisans, domestic workers and farm workers from among
the 57,000 expelled by Idi Amin.

Several other colonies and other countries were asked by the Prime Minister
Ted Heath, but the Foreign Secretary, Sir Alec Douglas Home, reporting on
their response, said : "None of these territories apart from the Falkland
Islands, could offer space for settlement on any significant scale in areas
presently largely uninhabited? The prospects of finding an island asylum
which could take significant numbers of Asians for settlement on areas at
present undeveloped are remote".

The British Government's request was turned down by the Solomon Islands,
the Seychelles, the Virgin Islands, Caymans, Gibraltar, and also by the
United States. Canada offered to settle 3,000, Malawi 1,000, Australia a
small number of qualified professionals, and British Honduras (now Belize)
agreed to take a few if the British Government paid all expenses..

Britain offered refugee families £2,000 to go to India and give up their
right to live in the United Kingdom, but the plan was dropped, and India
volunteered to take 10,000 on a voluntary basis. In the event, 28,000 were
accepted for settlement in Britain. Many of them proved to be highly
qualified and motivated, and have made a valuable contribution to the UK
economy, creating businesses and employment and several becoming

A military plan was also drawn up to evacuate 7,000 white British residents
by flying in paratroops to seize Entebbe airport and the road to the
capital Kampala but it was never carried out, amid fears they might have
been massacred if Idi Amin had got prior news of it. The BBC World Service
was secretly warned of the evacuation plan to prevent any broadcasts
inadvertently alerting Idi Amin.

*Harold Briley, (MP) London*

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