Patric  In Message: 6     Dated: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 17:48:34 +0200 (CEST) was
received here on the 2nd Day of April  so I took it seriously

Unknown  to most Goanetters was that last year2021 the whole area was
offered to me ..... I simply said <<<Nyet and even Hapana  ....especially
on Land Lease >>>>

To understand why you have to go back to 1941  ...when the pride of the
Royal  British Navy HMS  Hood was blasted off by the German Pocket
Battleship the BISMARK ....The hood went straight down within Minutes
...only three sailors survived and over a thousand  perished in the cold
waters of the North Sea

Churchill the racist appealed to the Americans  so that was the start of
the Land Lease Programme ,

Why did I say Nyet ......because my research had shown  that  an
underground lake about twice   the size of Lake Victoria had collapsed in
the Antarctic........That was not all  the British with the help  of the
Americans had destroyed the navy of the South American nation ......and as
for the lakhs of sheep they were contaminated ......Terrible,

THe moral of the true story watch  for the TROJAN  HORSE , d

Fahamu means   <<<<< to understand <<<<<Do not forget that Iddi da Amin
came to power with the full full complicity of the  British

 As for  <<<< ironic twist of history  , the Uganda Priti the Patel will
welcome Where does Patel get his orders....Do not forget even  Sacred
British Royalty will not tolerate their royal bleu blood  tinted

Patric history can be weird


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