The Russian invasion of Ukraine that has raged for forty days and counting,
terrorized around 3 million civilians mainly elders,women and children to
flee displaced and traumatized from their homes, are now refugees in
strange lands.The relentless bombing, destruction, unaccounted number both
civilians and soldiers killed, we are witnessing live reporting from the
war zones and from Moscow by world correspondents, also by our own
reporters there from many channels. It is high time the world effectively
calls a STOP! It does not matter who is right or wrong now, but if world
war 3 starts it is a matter of who and what will be left. All nations are
affected in some way or other! They have to exert pressure and the
veto-privileged nations urgently come to the table to either help reform
the UNO and Security Council in line with democratic principles where world
nations will participate in accordance with the UN Charter or close down
the UNO and ultimately  destroy what is left of law and order, humanity and
our world! Let wiser councils prevail and we behave like civilized human
beings and not savages.

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