Filomena Giese
6:26 AM (2 hours ago)
to Goanet, George, me, Filomena


   Filomena ;What you had to say should be made available to a wider audIf
   the devil is in the detail you take the prize. I had no idea that<<<<Gandhi
   was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times: in 1937, 1938, 1939,
   1947, and 1948.>>>>>I was aware about Tagore being awarded the Nobel Prize
   in  Literature.  I did not know but I am not surprised that the Indians
   themselves did little. Indeed as you so mildly put it Indians for
   generations have been noted for their conspicuous consumption
   ..diamond studded and there are millions of poor.

   Secondly disgusted about the present  alignment regarding the Western
   Powers and especially the USA in the present crisis between Russia and
   Ukraine.  The greed of the capitalistic system seems to have no limits. In
   Africa and the Middle East and the Far East there is a trail  of killing
   and looting in  Vietnam, Iraq Libya etc   Now Africa is supposed to join
   hands with the looters and the killers.  Oh yes, there is a huge demand
   created for weapons

    THird More than any thing else we need PEACE Let us pray for a peaceful
   Easter and beyond

   - I will come back. For  the moment I have to go at the Commission of
   Science Technology to participate inthe  celebration  the 100 years of
   Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Birth. Yet he was identified deliberately
   labelled as  a communist and a dictator. Yet he was a man of PEACE
   - Grandolfo
   - In a rainy,damp Makongo Juuu


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