When I read message Message-ID: <

>From gdigest at btinternet.com  Fri Apr 15 09:34:36 2022  on Saturday after
I was drenched with the downpour I read Eddie  on then Subject: [Goanet]
Thoughts at Easter

I laughed and fell from the chair, until my dear Uncle from Mars told me
not to be SILLY . <<<<This is a serious matter>>> He uttered in a  gruff
Martian manner   So now quite sober.and even my computer is healing I
decided to start with what made  fall from the chair with sheer mirth…So
Let me introduce you to a very Great partly African Philosopher, partly
Roman, partly Arab but that fellow studied Ancient Greek, Roman, and Even
Egyptian Philosophy (at least the Igyptian admitted when the were wrong.  I
am referring to the Bishop of Hippo (It is a place NOT to the massive
creatures with incredibly tiny four feet …a bit piggy in appearance but
weighing over 250 Kgs  their tails are tiny but their hides cut into
strips  can lacerate  a human being very  very painfully and badly. In
Swahili, the word for such a whip is Kiboko or Hippo )

Why the Bishop of HIPPO was mad was that  thinking and THINKING  nonstop
about the  HOLY TRINITY  ln  sheer disgust, he decided to take a break and
walk along the shore of the sea where waves were crashing. Cool and Breezy
...Refreshing with only thoughts meandering through the folds of his
brain.  He spied a little boy with a shell. He asked what he was doing and
the little boy without hesitating said

 <<<<I am trying to  empty the Ocean>>>.

 A very concerned Bishop (yes of Hippo) fearing that the boy was going
bonkers told the little fellow very politely:

<<< You will hurt yourself and one big wave might smash into you and take
you out into the sea>>>

,<<<Oh No I will not stop just like you do not stop thinking about the HOLY

 A shocked  BISHOP OF HIPPO stopped thinking but the Boy who and just
vanished in thin air

The boy or Angel had just disappeared, the Bishop of HIPP returned to his
chamber…he was very very wet including his  gold coloured mitre and clothes
>>> Yes little by little like the shell that the boy was trying to empty
the ocean …he too realized the futility of his dream. Like the Egyptian
Philosopher..he realized that he was wrong !!

Ofcourse, I was not, at Hippo more than 1500 years  but I have another
angle Let me share it with you all. …Whether you are a Hindu, Buddhist,
Muslim, Christian we all have a GOD …A  very Supreme SPIRIT called GOD.
Globally *Over  7 billion Adults cannot* be all wrong

I too realized   this in a major way, In the   private Hospital in Dar es
Salaam, over a 55 days period I witnessed  first hand how people respond to
death..they were Hindus, Catholics, Muslims. For some reason several of
them mistook me for a Medical Doctor on duty>>>>

So over Easter ….and with Pentacost coming soon may we all including You…I

God Bless Us All


In a Cool Makongpo Juu Temp of 26 degrees

PS…What some of us are trying to do is to say INFINITY plus one is a bigger
number.  This is rubbish ask any Mathematician ….the boy talking to the
Bishop was telling him the same thing more politely. Sleep is good for us
all..that was the trouble with the Bishop of Hippo ....

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