In Message: 4           Date: Mon, 2 May 2022 21:22:15 +0530 essage-ID:

To: goanet <> on the bject: [Goanet] Who Will Be
Goa?s next Patron Saint?All types of red herrings were floated ..including
the Mistake that Christopher Duke of Colombo and Red Indians ete etc. The
Central question Who will be the next Patron Saint was hardly answered
...instead we blame St Francisco Xavierof Spain...and  now I understand how
mislead were the Mangloreans who thought that SFX introduced the


More than 7 9 YEARS ago  we prayed to Padre Agnelo.  A Brother even came to
Dar in the 1950 and addressed the many Goa families ,,about the saintly
priest.    *The cause for his The canonisation  * process of canonization
was begun by the Society with the permission of the Patriarch of Goa in
1947. The second process was presented to the Sacred Congregation of Rites
on 5 October 1959. The Sacred Congregation of Rites
<> approved the
third process of "De non-cultu" on 27 May 1969.[2]

PLEASE NOTE that Padre Agnelo Adolfo De Souza was declared venerable
<> by the Vatican on 10 November
1986.[3] <>

That means 36 years have passed ...who exactly is sleeping..the diaspora
Goans, those in the Heartland of Goa ..There is even    a dedicated
individual   The vice-postulator for his cause is Hilario Fernandes .....
Call him...most probably he is in Pilar.  Next time I am in Goa, I hope to
go to Sanvordem..not far from Quepem..He fell as he was breaching  ....The
priest who buried him  said  The parish priest who buried him roughly said
these words *Hanvem atanch eka Santak matiek laila*, which means I have
just laid a saint to rest. His remains were brought to Pilar
<,_Goa> on 10 January 1939.

There is a lot more available on Venerable  Padre Agnelo Adolfo De Souza...


> My Uncle on Mars has warned me that there will be a couple of high degree
> UV rays over Dar es Salaam ...and that its far better to focus on the truth
> thank to be cynical

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