Now that the hoop-la of India’s 75th Anniversary of Independence  is over, 
those in power will forget all the promises they made, which were without any 
sincerity in the first place. 

There was even a hint of working on the problem of corruption. Nothing direct 
of course, just hints that ED, NIA and other anti corruption bodies were 
energized with Modi’s stirring words on the subject. That is the sum total of 
the BJP’s strategy against India’s biggest malady.

I would call the PM the biggest rogue of them all, were it not for the fact 
that he is a mere puppet Pope whose strings are pulled by the powerful 
Cardinals in the RSS. Our Property Sawant is one such, albeit a much watered 
down version of the PM. 

Instead of constantly blowing trumpets about how India’s GDP is the 5th or 6th 
largest in the world, if I took the macro view I would be working on India’s 
Per Capita Income being one of the lowest in the world. If you want to take the 
micro view instead, do less glorifying about 6 of the largest global 
corporations in the world being headed by Indians (none of them technically 
Indians, except by birth or ancestry), I would concentrate on removing the 
blemish of India being the host country of 85% of phone and computer scams in 
the world.

In case some of you don’t know, nothing in India happens without the nod of 
someone in power and without some grease on their palms and on the palms of 
everyone below, to ground level. 

If those in power up to the PM had an ounce of shame about tarnishing the 
country’s name, assiduously built, though in fits and starts, since 1947 they 
would taken measures to rectify the most visually offensive and insulting acts 
that would be the easiest to fix. 

As the Singapore PM in his speech to his parliament which video I posted on 
Goanet a few days ago said:
“It is easy to get rid of a corrupt official however powerful he or she is, but 
once corruption takes hold in a country, it has already become endemic, a part 
of its being and therefore even surgically difficult to remove”. 

Sadly, India has become one such example. Only an effort like the one exercised 
by Indians leading up to freedom from the British may turn the tide against 
such a metastatic cancer.

India's Thriving Scam Industry: Before You Call Tech Support | Undercove...


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