Life sentence in India.

The courts have interpreted differently the definition of life sentence.The
period spent in confinement  should not include parole and furlough SC had
opined that it should be 14 years of incarceration.Different yardstick
seem to apply and there is no uniformity.There is agreement in requesting
for parole and remission of sentence  after certain period.
 Death sentence of  heinous crimes is often commutted  into life sentence
by which it is assumed that the victim and family get relief of sort.What
is meant by good behaviour in prison? .Any aberration will lead to solitary
confinement , denial of facility and enhancement of the sentence Prisoners
on parole participate in election propaganda and some are left in
conjunction with elections to promote parties
 interest. This abuse of freedom during parole cannot be justified and
restrictiions should be rigorously imposed  on public interactions. The
society does not even recollect .the intensity  of gruesome crimes
The recent releases of Bilkis Bano accused and Rajiv Ghandi assassins
raises eyebrows. The living victims are tormented with fear psychosis
How do authorities certify reformation the criminal mind and intent of
criminals.The tendencies cannot be gauzed from life in confined atmosphere
as prisoners are always  on best behaviour.The statements of Nalini  are
Expressing her innocence and casting aspersions of being framed after
protracted  proceedings
The Govt seem to secretely considers political interests in an  attempt  to
reduce  prison management , overcrowding .and maintenance expense and that
is understandable,  as it is the society that bears  the burden
Good behaviour is subjective term and uniformity of period will be more
objective  not likely to interpretation  of bias
After release such convicts  should be  housed in open reformatories to see
their adjustments

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim.

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