Forget regrets

Wise to ignore and forget
Feelings of hurt and regret
It is   natural, human  pain to  nurse
Entertaining is guilt complex and curse

Something  ,sometines, sonewhere, goes wrong
Accept without reservation  to
 feel strong
Criticism,  hatred  is not  a melodious song
Take it in your stride  move forward along.

Ingratitude a regret  that one  does not want
Nothing special to consider   just  duty  is a taunt
Good that one  does is not intended for praise
Why then thoughts of  feelings regrets ever  raise?

Obligation ;duty of parents children feel
 Educatorsc are  paid student say no big deal
Doctors, nurses  offer paid services to cure
Not  favours to be indebted for sure

 Ignoring voluntary  services and good act
Natural to feel hurt or  to adversely react
Gratitude,  if object of helpful  deeds
Regrets feed egos  when ignored indeed

Requests considered on demand
Indebtedness and respect  must command
Acts of goodwill must not be taken for granted
Expectations natural not by force wanted

In the cure of 10 lepers Christ expresses regret
An example of ingratitude  He felt
Mere acknowledgement no demand   for favour
courtesy  is milk of human kindness to acknowledgev love's labour

Bitterness,pain with ingratitude as  a sign
Be it in acts, behaviour  or any design
Consume poison with hope  other will die
Is a wishful thinking and  a far cry

Regrets is a wild  fire  within   which rages
 .destroys peace and harms self  say sages
Regrets due to ingratitudes are hurtful wages.
To comfort self  delete records on mind pages

Nelson Lopes

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