With political blessings we are witnessing rampant hill cutting and filling
of low lying fields across Goa. All this is happening in connivance with
the various governmental authorities who are conveniently turning a
Nelson’s eye to all these environmental violations.

In our own backyard at Ribandar a huge hill cutting project has been going
on in the fragile watershed of Mandovi River on a non permissible gradient
behind the V2 Mall and Mercedes showroom on the Kadamba Road. A huge wall
of metal sheets has been erected to deviously hide and conceal all this
unlawful blasting activity being done on a very steep slope.

Experts foresee a massive ecological impact like sudden slope instability,
subsidence of the fragile porous hillock now denuded of tree cover with so
many trees brazenly felled. This slope not being a stable area and there
being dense settlement below in Ribandar, landslides would be common, thus
impacting and endangering houses down below in Ribandar.

It must be ensured that all those involved in hill cutting and land filling
must be ruthlessly and severely punished in accordance with law. These
culprits must be made to restore all the land to its original position. The
land use violation with political patronage has been widespread on the
Kadamba plateau and urgently needs investigation.  It is time to say enough
is enough to the ever so greedy and heartless land mafia who have been
mercilessly uncaring about the environmental consequences of their
misdeeds. They need to be named and shamed.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




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