Plethora of cards

Pan card  ,Aadhar , voting , krishi   .health , senior citizen    credit
 ,driving , registration of vehicle, library  ,college school ,university ,
passport ,club membership. etc are private and confidential personal
Pan card for bank  transaction beyond 50K  and purchases beyond 2 K
Banks cannot demand any particular card to link with the account.So many
bank frauds by easy avaiability of poto identity card and banks do not take
,many a times private information is sold to fraudesters for acobsideration
Why demand for registration after a particukar periodThe issuing authority
issue such renewaks for a small few suo mottu.A new directives  to delete
first two numbers of Aadhar card
Why the linkage of Pan Aadhaar for every individual citizen.? BESIDES Govt
secretely raising huge resources the easy way.Whenever the proof is
required can call for the card for personal verification
Linkage  most easily is conducive to money frauds and exposing
confidentiality of the person .The sanctity of any card is doubtful when
credit cards, currency ,passport , stamp papers  and Pan are duplicated
with impunity .Many are in possessions of duplicates nay documents
including passport of  high security documents etc The fines for ordinary
people linking the two is way beyond costs and for many may not serve any
purpose except to enrich the coffers of Govt
The Govt must clarify for what purpose the linking is a must and for whom
it is compulsory and under what circumstances.The Govt aim to invade
privacy of individual is fraught with dangerous consequences  The
pronouncements of SC on AADHAAR  are not obeyed by institutions where in
poto identity is required not Aadhar.Originally it was designed for
receiving Govt Subsidies andnow its use has become all pervasive
Any simple changes like spelling of  names,  address phone number date of
birth are made very cumbersome
ACHE DIN ANEWALLE HAIM for Govt to profit

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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