Resurrection of christ a promise and hope

On the  3 rd day as foretold Christ from grave arose
A problem to Pharises, Jews did  pose
By death influence and  teachings to  end  aspired
Crucifixion by threats  without reasons  desired

Resurrection ensured victory over death
Salvation plan accomplished by  his last breath
Guaranteed our resurrection too with a promise of  hope
Enabled uncertainties  of life and sting of  death to cope

Resurrection is corner stone of faith
Promise of eternal life  lends weight
Only after Resurrection apostles truly believed
 Overcame fears, doubts  finally relieved

Remembering prediction guarded and secured tomb
Events in scriptures came to pass right from the womb
Spread rumours that Resurrection was a  hoax, and lie
Appeared several times, ate  exhibited  wounds  and to dispel doubts did

Absentee Thomas set condition in resurrection to
Christ appeared  and addressed him to his relief
Jesus  empowered apostles filled  with holy spirit grace
The frightened cowards, strengthened, emboldened  any threat to face

No religious head  ever healed lepers.raised dead or  cure.blind
Exclusive miracles of Jesus
 raising dead  will always remind
Jesus alone triumphantly from dead arise
Appirations of BVM is a proof of  no surprise

Life on earth is a journey with a purpose
It is neither end of good and bad to suppose
Resurrection guarantees  eternal life as award
Hell is condemnation, heaven will be  a just reward

Christ alone teaches life on earth is not the end
His life and resurrection a meaningful message does send
On judgment day to separate good from bad a promise and desire
Aspire to inspire  before you expire

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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