Petty criminals are sentenced to jail
Powerful, influential secure bail
The cases will drag  or inordinately  courts delay
As  ministers ,CM  politicians "secure stay.

White collar criminals crores loot
Flee country  for laws care too hoot
Resort to bankruptcy  to stay of the hook
Political pardons granted   no cases to book

Innocent languishing for years in prison
Vindictive detention  of undertrials  without  reason
Political detainees   labelled anti nationals  and for treason
Jails, prisons are shelters to confine  criminals for all season

Good behaviour of  criminals  parole earn
Freedom for Political propaganda  we learn
Remission of death,  life sentence  for Political gain
Witchhunt  against  opposition politicians to cause pain

Overcrowded prisons  breeding grounds  for gangsters  wars to plot
Riots, murders in prisons are a shameful blot
Drugs,  mobiles ,special treatment in prison  not for free
Prison authorities are bribed to look the other way agree

 Prisons designed to change   for reformation
Hardened criminals with undertrials   disrupt transformation
Prisoners  graduate to organised gangs on release
Equip them with trade  to enter the society please

 Safety ,respite prisons do provide
Criminals immobilised by law, forced  to abide
Threat of fear ,retaliation  kept at bay
Justice, punishment  for wrong doing  is the main stay

The deterrent  must be just swift and  fast
Doubts of leniency  must not be allowedc to cast
The guilty must receive a fair trial and sentenced for the terror.
An innocent person   not be  condemned  by legal error

Criminals are expected to be reformed  by curtailing
Not hardened  by isolation and boredom
Good behaviour earns them  temporary reprieve
An incentive for parole,  relief  freedom to retrieve

Nelson Lopes  Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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