Across the nation and within all political parties the malaise of family
Raj seems to be widespread. While in the Opposition, the BJP had always
vehemently spoken out against dynasty rule while claiming to be a party
with a difference. All that tall talk is now history and they too have
joined the mainstream in promoting their very own kin. As politics was
meant to be a Mission, representatives at all levels of government must
identify, encourage and nurture capable new faces beyond their Parivar to
carry on the baton of serving the community.

Every political party must strictly adhere to the maxim of one ticket per
family. It would go a long way towards infusing a fresh breath into the
stagnant political waters. And of course it would help get rid of the
political garbage that has been plaguing the political arena.

No one and no family is indispensable for the wheels of progress and
development of our nation to move on. In fact stamping out the concern of
family rule is a much needed step in rooting out corruption which will be
in the right direction to elevate our nation to great heights from the
current garbage pit.

In Goa the promotion of family Raj has reached a sordid hilt. We have even
seen it percolating to the Municipal and Panchayat level. A very sad state
of affairs with unending political greed on public display.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012


You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues



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