Dawn of old age

Rarely  anyone expects to gladly  usher in old age at the horizon of
youthful  stage.The prospects of onset of this stage in life  is pushed to
the background as far as it is possible  with the hope it can wait and
there is no urgency to contemplate .Many wise souls meticulously set out
financial plans for security. They are of the opinion  that financial
stability is a grand solution to old age .Few have been disillusioned  as
money cant buy good health or good relations   at all times and that
dependence  of some sorts is  inevitably the way forward. The prospects of
lonely existence is the pain Living with children has its own benefits .But
one prefers to be independent and live life at its own cost.The grand
children and daughter or sons in law may not  always create
favourablconditions ons to be understood.  Often dependents   are
indirectly presumed to be a burden of sorts. Pensioners they say are well
looked after  for their  regular  resources and the  inconveniences are not
bone  of contention buttolerable   ..Even disabled and  handicapped find
acceptance.At times children have migrated and there fore  care homes are
springing up  like mushrooms. In fact  retirement colonies with all
conceivable amenities  and facilities have sprung up .The company in the
same age groups is reassuring of adjustments because of shared interest
.The outstation children find it a good repository to lodge elderly
parents with assured care and comfort.Senior citizens living alone have
been targets of serious and even  fatal physical attacks for robbery
.Surveillance  apparatus cannot guarantee  intended total  protection  It
is disgraceful,  uuncharitable   behaviour to dispossess  elderly
,helpless  parents and turn them on  to the streets The legal provision for
care of elderly is observed more in breach as the parents rarely  enforce
the legal provision for self protection The idea  of migrating to live with
children is not a pleasant  situation to be considered as it is uprooting
from traditional environment and the working children may not be able to
provide that dedicated care.Maitenance expenses  without health care
services  are steep .Hence old age existence in homes or with attendants at
home  are some options that have no universal applications
Besides accomodation and food there are daunting health care issues that
are to be tackled  and such costs are prohibitive in nature for the
Those with cultivated hobbies of their interests have a better chance of
adjustment The feeling of being unwanted  as a burden to be got rid off  is
hurting  the most.Suddenly the importance  of  being consulted  has
dwindled Experience and wisdom  has outlived its purpose The best of cheap,
unsolicited  advice is dispised   The desire to be listened  is at its
lowest  rung.Those with complaining nature and  trying to draw attention
towards themselves  are at their wits end .Suffering silently,  resigning
to the envitable  is still worth its weight in gold  The attitude of CEST
LA VIE   is well deserved to be adopted  to ensure and preserve a healthy
outlook. One cannot demand any form of compensatory  behaviour as  return
favour  for duties performed  under obligatory relationships.To be content
under all attenuating circumstance is to invest in peace  and happy living
The old age stage has to be seriously and meticulously planned  to deal
with the exigencies most likely to arise .Resorting to complaining and
cursing is not the way forward .It may  result in retaliation unbearable as
the consequence Old age,   if you are fortunate to survive unlike many
companions is to  revive  relationship of faith  for consolation and
comfort  When you can attend to most of your needs  , it is a win win
situation  in any circumstances Just praying  devoutly  for end to burry
all your anxieties of age related woes  is sure a defeatist attitude  to
face reality.Any stage of life has its own dimensions and to make the best
of it is the challenge You are as old as you feel but not let us die a
living death
IF  our demands are minimum , contentment is way forward, dare to  bear
with fortitude your tribulations, adjust with maximum elasticity to most
challenging situations and financially secure  to be independent to the
extent possible then being deaf dumb and blind  is the key to happy old age
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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