This Italian old man called Francis, aged 86, is determined not to step down. He wants to parade his authority to all and sundry and is ever ready to pronounce on tricky subjects like the Environment.
But how much does he understand?
Shouldn't he be quietly retiring in some Italian village and preparing for his death?

Instead, he has decided to visit an exotic, little known country like Mongolia. How will the people of Mongolia benefit? What special wisdom does Pope Francis possess to share with the Mongolians? HAs he considered the expenses for the trip, including the costs for those going with him? Euros in high positions don't have to bother with costs. The attendants will no doubt get all costs paid and ensure he has a comfy stay. Shouldn't he have set an example by joining the lowest of workers such as street sweepers and addressing other such lowly folks? But no. A Euro Pope will insist on acting pompous & authoritarian wherever he goes and he is no doubt convinced that he is guided by this fellow called the Holy Spirit which is a handy fiction invented by Euro Catholics.

The crucial question for the Church is: when will there be a Black Pope and an end to the Euro papacy and the Euro doctrines?? Why can't Francis just announce his resignation with immediate effect and let a Black or Asian Pope take over??

Surely the Black and Asian Catholics have had enough of the Euros and insist on having one of their own at last.

Francis, you are just too old and not too bright.

Eddie Ray, London.

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