Last week, the grand new Parliament building inaugurated by Prime Minister
Narendra Modi as ‘the temple of democracy’ was grossly befouled by his own
party comrade Ramesh Bidhuri, the Lok Sabha representative from South
Delhi. In an abusive rant that plumbed an unprecedented new low for
national discourse since 1947, the 62-year-old career politician and
lifelong RSS man volleyed hateful *gaalis* at Danish Ali of the Bahujan
Samaj Party: “*yeh Mullah aatankwaadi hai, ugrawaadi hai. Bharwa, katua,
baahar phenko iss mulle ko*.”

The victim described his assault in a dignified letter of appeal to Modi:
“in addition to Shri Bidhuri’s threats to confront me outside Parliament,
in a manner more akin to a street altercation than a parliamentary setting,
certain unknown individuals are persistently sending me threatening and
menacing messages. I urge you to remind all Members of Parliament of the
importance of upholding the highest standards of decorum and conduct within
the House, as the whole world looks upon us as a torchbearer of
parliamentary democracy. Such indecent incidents should have no place in
our democracy.”

All that is impressively high-minded, but the truth is disgraceful
indecency is now commonplace in Indian democracy. What is more, Bidhuri has
not been punished – although a ‘show-cause notice’ has been issued – and
instead entrusted as ‘party in-charge’ of the campaign to unseat Sachin
Pilot in Rajasthan. This level of brazenness bodes very badly, as Vir
Sanghvi puts bluntly in his latest column: “India is sinking deeper and
deeper into the morass of divisiveness and hatred [which] has now
penetrated so deep that nobody can stop it.”

Sanghvi says these previously unthinkable outbursts have official sanction:
“We know why the Modi government is doing nothing to condemn Bidhuri’s
remarks - it is election season again. It needs to keep the Hindutva
faction faithful on its side in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and other
states. That may also explain why Bhopal MP Pragya Thakur has been allowed
to get away with calling Nathuram Godse a ‘deshbhakt’ (patriot) yet again.
When she praised Godse on previous occasions, she was upbraided and the PM
said how unhappy her remarks made him.Not this time, though. There is an
assembly election coming up.”

Whatever the cause, no one can remain unconcerned by the rapid
normalization of loutish rhetoric and behaviour, because Bidhuri is no
outlier. At the heart of things in South Delhi, he is amongst the most
prominent public faces of the newly rich who define the country at this
juncture. It’s difficult to digest, but here’s the undeniable fact: these
are the wealthiest and (at least superficially) most globalized North
Indians in history, and this boorish vulgarian is their chosen
representative. Watching this debacle from Goa, where these same South
Delhi elites are descending in unseemly droves, it begs an obvious
question: what kind of mess are they going to create here next?

“The growing and disturbing feeling is that the majority of South Delhi’s
elite think bigotry is part of life now,” says Sunit Arora, the well-known
journalist and editor who has spent most of life in that iconic locality:
“many people in this well-off constituency do not agree with Bidhuri's
views, but are conspicuous by their silence. The elite has come to accept
mainstreaming of hate, and most view speaking out as dangerous and unwise.
Remember that in August, next-door Gurgaon shut down due to communal
violence. It does not seem far away and nobody is totally insulated, so the
pragmatic South Delhi-*wallah* will keep his/her counsel. They are not
going to man the trenches in the battle against hate.”

Rather uniquely, Arora spans the South Delhi elites and their favourite
North Goa neighbourhoods, because his grandfather was Anthony Lancelot Dias
(1910-2002) of Assagao and the Indian Civil Service (later IAS) officer,
who served as the Governor of Tripura and West Bengal throughout the 1970s.
When I wrote to ask about Bidhuri’s cohorts swarming his ancestral village,
he cautioned me to remember good things South Delhi people could bring,
like “a sense of business, hustle and an ability to make things happen.”
But this was his unavoidable bottom line: “they might ignore or stay
neutral when they see hate and unfairness being stoked there. It all
depends on the enabling environment. I do fear hatred will find oxygen in
Goa too, despite the beautiful balance sustained over many hundreds of

Who will take moral responsibility for the havoc South Delhi is visiting
willy-nilly on the safety and stability of the entire country? In this
regard, I was struck by the questions the brilliant, prolific and
multi-talented author Rakhshanda Jalil posed on social media earlier this
week: “Dear Friends in South Delhi, many of you have chosen Ramesh Bhiduri
to represent you in the Lok Sabha for the second consecutive term. Are you
proud of his conduct in Parliament? Do you condone it? Will you stand by
your elected representative no matter what the cost of your silence?”

In her outstanding 2019 book *But You Don’t Look Like A Muslim,* Jalil had
written with great poignancy that “I have heard this comment delivered in
tones ranging from surprise to approval. With time, I have understood, the
speaker is trying to give me a back-¬handed compliment. Since I don’t look
like a Muslim, I am ‘okay’, I am not quite one of ‘them’—the bomb-throwing,
beef-smuggling, jehad-spouting Muslim of popular imagination.” At first
appraisal, she writes, “I sound like anyone else raised in Delhi, snobbish
as we are—in South Delhi to be precise.” Now, post-Bidhuri, when I wrote to
ask her to elaborate on this self-appraisal, she explained that “when we
refer to South Delhi we generally mean a type… they speak in a certain way,
they go to eat at certain places, they holiday abroad, have friends from a
small somewhat incestuous group.”

When I asked what can be expected from this ‘type’ in India’s smallest
state, Jalil warned “there has to be a spirit of giving to the community,
of having a sense of community in the first place. The influx of new home
owners can't afford to live in enclaves of their own making. We have seen
this happening to hill stations within driving distance of North Indian
cities, such as Chandigarh-Manali-Simla, or Delhi-Nainital,
Delhi-Mussoorie. A dreadful homogenisation is followed by an equally
dreadful hegemonization. Restaurants begin serving a certain kind of
cuisine at the expense of local/native culinary traditions, cityscapes
begin to change with no regard for local design sensibilities, dress,
culture, value systems become casualties and finally a ‘cookie-cutter
culture’ becomes the norm. I sincerely hope, Goa doesn't go the way of
Nainital, Mussoorie, Shimla.”

Make no mistake, there is considerable cause for alarm here. Says Jalil:
“The South Delhi/farmhouse types that are descending on Goa will bring
their own brand of ‘mainnu ki’ (how does it matter to me?). It comes with a
combination of thick skin and water-off-a-duck’s back attitude. Nothing
fazes them. Nothing quite penetrates their echo chamber. They are the
classic instance of the deaf who won’t hear, and the mute who won’t speak.
God help you, they will bring their special brand of blythe, blasé
disregard for anything outside their comfort zone. They will hang out with
‘people like us’ and the rest of the world can go to blazes.”

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