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Father of opinion poll

   Farther  of opinion poll a  loving tribute
Dr.Jack deserves honour and  salute
He preserved our  unique Identity
Goa  shines as State  and   separate  entity

United seven parties under UGP fold
 Choice as President, LOP   to hold
 Mergerist moves  thwarted  by action bold
Grateful Goans need inscribe his name in letters of gold

Led delegations to PM. Nehru   ,Shastri  to plead
Indira, India's first   opinion poll to hold , ,abide agreed
Collectively  Goans  laboured and toiled
Salcette and South Goa  merger plan foiled

Goa's  identity  ,culture , language , ,boundary remained  intact
His charismatic leadership  , vision a  naked fact
He negotiated turbulent obstacles with tact
The  political inheritors  to give due recognition are loath to react

Mergerist of  Goa   find honoured   place
Ignoring Dr. JACK  indenial a disgrace
 Legislators  now play to gallery , cry hoarse
Enjoying perks, status , power with no remorse.

Parikar, Atal, shayam Prasad Mukerji  ,Mathany Bandodkar  honoured with
monuments of glory
 No official recognition to opinion poll  ,its architect a sad story
CM's, speaker, MP's  Ministers ,Chairman, LOP , who enjoy
Labour silently  image of Dr Jack the visionary  to destroy

Monuments at Calangute, Dona Paula,'Ambelim, an   Award  and a street name
Private initiatives some of gratitude to immortalize his fame
Self certifying as   builders of Modern Goa a shame
Delhi, Punjab CM's  offer obeisance.. no excuse lame

Hearts ,minds of Goans  are permanent niches Dr Jack will  find
Eternally  his contriutions sacrifies  to   remind
A legacy , a dream ,a vision he leaves behind
Opinion poll ,foundation of Goa state Goans to Dr Jack bind

Bereft of Dr.jack what is history of Goa State
Non recognition,   celebrations  of ASMITAI DIS is in absolute bad taste
Affectionate memories    respect will long last
Far beyond staues of stone or metal cast

Statues  standing as sentinels  do not cast magic  spell
Weathered by rain , sun     poor upkeepig  birds perching   does not augur
 , Vandalism of  monuments, riots , ire , first target
 Disgrace  to the honoured  is shame to regret

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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