Gravitating towards BJP?

Goans have not conferred majority. The rise to power in Goa is by poaching
and defections. Those treacherous traitors, elected on Congress platform
after swallowing sacred oaths  have deserted  for windfall  allurements and
threats  of exposure of skeletons   of corruption of  ill-gotten wealth
,disproportionate  to legitimate   known ,verifiable income.Almost all have
lost their seats miserably  in  re elction , except those with personal
clout .The second batch has still to test the turbulent waters of people
anger and  Trust.Some others who pride themselves  sporting of BJP label on
their lapels have criminal background to defend, besides use of freebies,
muscle power and cultivation of  migrant vote  banks through gross
irregularities .The rise of local outfit is in frustration to teach the
scoundrels  a lesson and lack of  altrernative and option.not because they
subscribe to party ideology .
BJP  all over India is carrying on vociferous,  malicious campaign  ,
vandalisation of religious places  ,harassment unprecedented killings of
minorities   in history .The polarisation process on religion,   hatred ,
indifference and intolerance is no attraction.for those  believing in
secular,   Democratic freedom .It is a myth  to allege popularity of BJP
when a volcano of disappointment is waiting to explode. In Goa victory
does not add up to arithmetic calculations or make any perceivable dent.The
lure of central representation is in consequential  both during  Cogress
and  BJP, except in the case of Parikar. short lived tenure of gratitude
and raising ofBJP flagship in Goa

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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