Japan the  inventors have stopped using voting machines.England ,USA have
discontinued  too.The voting boxes are in the open and transparent
too.Ballot  papers were stamped en mass. Booth capturing was rampant
.Bogus voting was  a prevalent malady.Counting was tedious long
process.Invalid votes were a cause for worry..The voting machines  seemed
to be an option and  a solution .Doubts of manipulation led to VVPAT  and
select tallying. Today technology can monitor send commands over billions
of kms and machine respond to commands. Hence  the process of voting
machines  tampering is in the realm of possibility. If doubts cannot be
raised now why VVPAT was introduced ? Scores of demonstration show votes
cast are seen in  VVPAT window but process of registered votes and final
tally not with what was seen.
An easy step demands to tally with VVPAT slips but final tallying will
still match  with slips  and number of  votes cast as what is seen in the
window cannot be verified.   Those who are forced to check are not
qualified with intricacies
What was possible is to count all VVPAT even though it is time consuming
but time of  counting is not the factor of great significance as the
process of voting is spread over months .At least it would to some extent
satisfy the demand to assure Trust in the system. Even in protective
custody there is scope of manipulations under security  of lock and key

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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