Being,doing  good  is humane

Doing good  spontaneously to any human  is natural inclination .It shows
our concern and desire to come to succour the needs of our
species.Instictively to be drawn  towards welfare of fellow  wellbeing in
distress   is an act of charity.Our neutral stand or non commitment is
indication of noninvolvelment to secure ourselves  is selfish
attitude.Exercising the choice  of  ignoring rendering service when in need
is inhuman response.The worse is negative stroke  that may aggravate the
circumstances.Positive stroke or proactive approach activates our sense of
commitment and humanness.Surprisingly even animals respond spontaneously to
rescue their species in distress
Doing good for goodness sake is rewarding for self  satisfaction and
internal joy  as an opportunity to express our worth.No reward,  praise
recognition or appreciation  should be  the hidden motive.Then there  are
no fangs of disappointment  or regrets if actions are taken for granted and
best simply ignored as non issue.The strong religious belief and faith
states that feeding the hungry  ,clothing the naked ,quenching of thirst
etc are noble acts of kindness that  are counted  as acts  towards the
Divine.The idea of goodness is not to create a guilt feeling  in the
recipient to be indebted  and humiliated  by charity .The acts of goodness
are not for publicity or self agradisement like politicians   whose motive
is bondage for votes .Politicians largasse if any is connected to status ,
position  after being in power .and is inclination  dominated to seek
return.Bob Marley " living for others  ,is to live again" The goodness and
love of mother  without expectations is the purest act of goodness.Tata did
not find  true happiness with success, acquisition  of goods ,expansion,
monopoly but forced donations  of wheel chairs to the  the disabled
.Catching his feet the recipient said that she wanted to capture his face
for sure to meet in heaven.Tata then ventured into humanitarian causes of
hospitals  ,institutions  to derive the intoxicants, opium of lasting
happiness Rockefeller was sentenced to death  with no medical hope at the
age  45 .He  immrdiately donated a small percentage of his wealth for
humanitarian welfare .This act spurred a fountain  of well being within
that he lived past the age of 90. The recipients sometimes May not openly
admit the  benevolence of goodness ,but throught their life feel indebted
towards the goodwill benefactor.Doing good acts is not confined to material
benefits alone.A patient listening ,moral support , assisting in finding
solutions to a vexed problem,standing firmly in hour of crisis,arranging
help from other sources  are higher forms of elevating the goodness.It does
not involve material or financial support
More often than not acts of thoughtfulness will also be recognised publicly
without your demand or expectations.Such propositions give immense joy
.Appreciation can fuel human actions to greater heights and repeated
performances  .There is no denying the fact that recognition whether public
or private in any form can stimulate further .The example of ten leppers,
expresses  ingratitude  of 9 others.Gratitude in actions is not directed
towards the benefactor  but inspiration in our life to spread  and to
continue the chain.Every human does aspire  instrincally  to  light the
fire of goodness by thoughts,  words and action  . The compassion and
degree may wary.To some it is religion to others it may be chance and
opportunity for personal sacrifice .Even unexpressed gratitude does modify
the recipients and moulds their disposition.The greatest effects of good
acts is on self ,  self satisfaction,feeling of elation of being
instrumental  of being useful, purposeful to have been able to fill the void
The charitable institutions  that have sprung today serving humanity in
every sphere of life are the brain child's of individual efforts,
sacrifices and detreminations to make a dent ,touch  , a  perceptible
difference in the lives of others .If at all any one will be cherished and
long remembered, is only by works of goodness  that have touched the lives
of others.Mother Teresa, Jesus Budha, among few others and our compatriots
who  are epitome of goodness  and who are immortalised  in our hearts and
minds  for their  meaningful acts towards us.Good acts from strangers make
us rejoice,as their are no strings attached for return favours
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

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