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   - **
   - *Sky Bus: A solution to transport problems*
   - *New indigenously-developed technology awaits law maker's nod *

*By Armstrong Vaz, Qatar*

*Doha August 20: *On one hand the progress chart of India has been hailed
but the benefits have not percolated to the lower strata of society. The Sky
bus project which is path breaking indigenously-developed technology is one
example of the slow pace things move in the Indian democracy.

Indian infrastructure is facing the problems which any surging economy faces
in its transitional phase. With rapid growth on the economic front, Indian
transport system is trying to have grip over the situation, what with
crammed roads, overcrowded trains and buses, being a usual scene in the
metros and the major cities of the country.

The Sky Bus transport was taunted as one of the solution to ease the load on
the congested traffic lines of the Indian metros. That was almost three
years back when the railway minister dedicated the modern rail transport
system technology to the world when federal Railway Minister Lalu Prasad
Yadav dedicated the Sky bus project to the nation on October 15 2004 in the
western Indian state of Goa.

But in the intervening period, since October 2004 the   project has been
caught in a dilemma with the indigenously-developed Sky Bus technology
awaiting a nod from federal law makers on whether it should be introduced in

"My biggest problem is that the railway ministry has not been able to decide
whether the skybus is a train or a bus. In fact, the skybus is ready for
commercial use but for policy constraints," B Rajaram, the former managing
director of Konkan Railway Corporation (KRC), had said before his retirement
in Jan. 2005.

Sky Bus transport- what is that - is that is the immediate question which
shoots up.

The Sky bus is essentially a fusion of a bus and a train. Its carriage looks
like a bus, but it runs like a train, and instead of the compartments
running on rails, they hang below the rails and slide 10 metres above the
regular road traffic.

The new technology innovation is  Rajaram's baby and he holds   patent
rights for it in the US.

A second, KRC Managing Director Dr K K Gokhale retired recently and he had
these to say about the pending sky bus project which is awaiting the light
of the day.

"The Union Cabinet has informally cleared a proposal to bring in
legislation. But, the Bill is yet to be placed before Parliament to make it
a law," he has said last month.

 Contrary to the views of its managing directors, the Konkan railway website
mentions that  - Sky Bus metro falls under tramway category, under Art
366(20) of Constitution of India, since it operates along existing roadways
and within municipal limits, hence excluded from Indian railway act.

The former MD of KRC Rajaram has been vocal in propagating sky bus as the
one of the solution to decongesting the cities. "At Rs.50 crore per
kilometre, it will provide the same services at one-fourth the cost of the
Delhi metro. Unlike the metro, the skybus follows existing roads, thus
reaching into the very heart of the city while decongesting the roads.
Moreover, it can be implemented and commissioned within two years," he says.

The two-coach Skybus has a capacity for 300 passengers on a single trip and
depending on the number of coaches, it is expected to handle 18,000 to one
lakh passengers per hour.

But concerns over safety issue have been the major fears of the railway
ministry on this untested technology and not so keen attitude to push things
and they fear a black lash from the public if something goes wrong.

And the testing of the technology has come at the cost of human life and
that's where the concerns of safety have been raised. On September 25, 2004
during a test run, the sky bus over sped and hit a pole-  one died and two
others were injured.

"The accident most likely occurred because the bogey was heading at a higher
speed than it should have. Also it oscillated to a higher degree than we had
expected," KRC MD B Rajaram reported at that time.

The Skybus does not really need a driver or an operator. When the Skybus
approaches a station, it is supposed to slow down by itself and stop. The
brake is only for emergency usage. In this case, the Skybus did not slow
down, and the Control room threw the emergency brake which resulted in the
accident. The accident happened on the 1.5 km test track in Goa.

Each part of the Skybus was made in India by contractors and corporate's
like the Tatas and Essar provided construction material free or at nominal
rates to Konkan Railway for building the test track in Goa.

The KRC has spend Rs 50 crore on this project at the 1.5 km testing
laboratory at the Margao railway station, in Goa, as the new technology
awaits a nod for its commercial use.

"Skybus is the story of Indian industry and entrepreneurs coming together to
produce a unique thing," Rajaram had said.
Till then, the unique Indian innovation awaits the nod from the Indian law
makers, on whether it will be best suited for commercial use or it will just
rust out on the Goa tracks.

*Why Sky Bus is an ideal solution according to KRC: *

   - Follows the existing roads- but does not take road space- and be as
   flexible as a bus
   - Have rail based mass transit capacity, same as existing rail metro
   - Does not divide city while providing integration along its alignment

   - Be derailment and collision proof- with NO CAPSIZING of coaches- so
   that there can never be loss of life
   - Be free from vandalism
   - Noise free and pollution-free
   - Non-invasive -requiring the least amount of scarce land space- and
   not come in the way of development.

*Salient features of the Sky Bus*

   - Heavy 52/60 kilograms /metres  rails placed at standard gauge
   floating in elastic medium and damped by inertia of measured mass held in a
   8 metres X 2metres box enclosure, supported over a 1m diameter. columns
   spaced at 15 metres and located at 15 metres distance from each other, in
   the divider space in between lanes on a road- way, at a height of 8metre
   above road surface- provides the support and guidance for powered bogies
   which can run at 100 kmph, with the coach shells suspended below, carry
   passengers in air conditioned comfort, can follow existing road routes,
   while existing traffic on roads continue.
   - Aesthetic and eco-friendly, the Sky Bus can never derail, capsize
   nor collide- by design as well as by construction, hence is safer than
   existing rail-based system.
   - With no signaling and having no points and crossings, it is a unique
   mass-transit system, which can be put up within two years in any crowded &
   congested city.
   - Sky Bus metro falls under tramway category, under Art 366(20) of
   Constitution of India, since it operates along existing roadways and within
   municipal limits, hence excluded from Indian railway act.
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