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How to Save Goa
By J C Almeida

It has been reported that in the workshop organised at Dona Paula, wherein 
the Goa Bachao Andolan participated, the issue of the Town Planning Act, as 
it exists at present, was discussed and it was decided that professionals 
which include doctors, engineers, architects, chartered accountants and 
others who form the important part of society should be associated in the 
preparation of the Regional Plan of Goa. This is fine and is a good 
decision. However, it is to be found how such a decision is to be 
implemented, in practice.

As per the existing law, a Regional Plan can only be prepared under the Town 
and Country Planning Act 1974 and not otherwise. As it is, at present, 
section 9 of the Town and Country Planning Act states that the function of 
preparation of Regional Plan is solely of the chief town planner who has to 
submit the same for the consideration of the Board and thereafter invite 
public objections. The law does not foresee the association of outside 
professionals while preparing a Regional Plan. Since the workshop felt that 
there is a need to associate professionals in the preparation of such a 
Regional Plan, only amending the Act, to that effect, can do the same.

The Regional Plan is mere a broad demarcation plan of Goa, which has to 
indicate the various aspects of development proposed in such a plan, after 
having carrying the necessary surveys of physical, social and economic 
conditions and potentialities of the area.

Based on such a Regional Plan, the government has to notify the area to be 
known as "planning area" under the Act and the Planning and Development 
Authority (know as PDA by general public) for the said area .The chairman of 
such an authority is appointed by the government, and the vice-chairman is 
appointed by the government from among its members. The Town Planning 
Officer acts as the member secretary to the PDA. The PDA has representatives 
of local authorities and five members appointed by the government having 
special knowledge or practical experience in the subject (normally it is 
found that such members are workers of the political Party in power). As per 
the Act, the function of such PDA is basically to prepare an existing land 
use map with land use register of every piece of land within the planning 
area, outline development plan including comprehensive development plan and 
other related matters.

Inside Town and Country

Planning Board

Section 4 of the Town and Country Planning Act, foresees the constitution of 
a Town and Country Planning Board. The main functions of the said Board are 
to guide, direct and assist the planning and development authorities. This 
section does not specify that it has the function of preparation of Regional 
Plan. However, subsection 8 (3) of the Act, empowers the Board to exercise 
all such powers as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out the 
functions of the Act.

The composition of the said Board is specified in section 4 (2) of the Act. 
It provides that the minister in charge of Town and Country Planning shall 
be the chairman of the Board and that the chief town planner shall be the 
member secretary and one of the members is to be appointed as the 
vice-chairman. The law also provides for the appointment of two MLAs and a 
representative of GCCI, in addition to the secretaries to the government in 
charge of Town Planning, local self-government, planning and industry, 
including directors of agriculture, tourism, transport, health services, 
PWD, statistics and forests. The law also provides for the appointment of 
Central Government representatives dealing with railways, defence, transport 
and tourism, who rarely attend the meetings of the Board. As far as State 
government officials are concerned except for the town planning department, 
no one can expect concrete contribution from them since not only do they not 
make it a point to attend the meetings of the Board regularly, but also, 
they have no time to apply their mind on the issues discussed, being busy 
with their own work. The law also provides for the appointment of two 
professionals. In the past, architects, engineers and other illiterates in 
town planning but political workers of the Party in power, etc, having good 
relations with the party in power, were appointed to the Board of Town and 
Country Planning. However, though they were a meagre minority, they never 
opened their mouths or applied their mind for if they opened their mouth and 
make unpalatable suggestions they were shown their way. It has even been 
reported that even the minutes of the Board meetings prepared by the member 
secretary of the Board were manipulated at the instructions of chairman of 
the Board, and other interested parties.

It can be seen that the Board is fully loaded only with officials of the 
government and does not inspire confidence. If need be, the government 
officials can always be invited, as invitees.

As stated earlier, since the Board, under the subsection 8 (3), has powers 
to invoke to itself the preparation of the Regional Plan there is need to 
amend section 4 of the Act, by incorporating that more than 50per cent of 
the members of the Board should be drawn from private professionals, 
recommended by leaders of the elected representatives of the parties, in the 
Legislative Assembly. And, that the vice-chairman of the Board should always 
be a professional. There is no need of having so many officials on the 
Board, since, as said earlier, their contribution is negligible.

Curbing Corruption

Due to such important basic assignment foreseen for the PDA, sec 20(3) of 
the Act is to be amended providing that the chairman of PDA should be an 
architect, town planner or an engineer appointed by the government, in 
consultation with the leaders of parties in the Legislative Assembly. Also, 
sec 22 of the Act requires redrafting eliminating the unlimited powers given 
to the government to give directions to the PDAs. Like this, there are 
several other provisions of the Act that are to be amended to make them more 
specific, insulated from the dictates from the government. In fact, when I 
was the revenue secretary, in charge of Town Planning for a short time, I 
had expressed to the then chief town planner that the Act would promote for 
corruption and required to be amended. However, since the Act had already 
become law nothing could be done. In addition to the forgoing amendments, a 
provision should be made in the Act providing for criminal liability on the 
officials of the government in case any approval is given deviating from the 
approved Regional plan and other provisions of the Act.

Absence of Accountability

Sometime in the year 1974-75, on the request of the then union territory 
government, the Town and Country Planning organisation of the union ministry 
of works and housing had carried and prepared a survey of Goa with a view to 
prepare a Regional Plan for Goa . The then chief town planner, after going 
through the survey reports submitted by TCPO, had found that the same was 
inadequate and therefore had suggested to the government the preparation of 
a fresh appraisal of the Regional Plan for which several surveys were 
carried out by the Goa's town planning department and a proposal for the 
Regional Plan 1977-2001 was submitted to the government for approval. I 
understand that the same was approved sometime in the year 1986. Thereafter, 
in 2001, though sec 9 of the Act empowers only the chief town planner to 
prepare Regional Plan, the government appointed a private agency, namely, 
Consulting Engineers, New Delhi to prepare the Regional Plan which has been 
bombarded by the Goa Bachao Andolan by mobilising the local people, due to 
which the government has conveyed that it stands withdrawn with 
retrospective effect There is a need to find out the meaning of the word 
retrospective ie which date? 2001? Because, in the meantime, since the 
validity of the earlier plan was over, the government has been availing of 
sec 17 of the Act, directing the chief town planner to do the revision of 
the earlier plan, on piece-meal basis. Due to this, several undesirable 
decisions were taken and will be continued to be taken until the new the 
Regional Plan is prepared, to please the bribing lobby. In the first place, 
the chief Secretary of the government has to issue an order informing all 
the concerned officials of the government, including PDAs, municipalities, 
sarpanches and zila parishads to revoke any construction 
licence/conversion/approval/approvals/letter issued under the Act and their 
own Acts, after the date deemed to be retrospective date. Section 17 of the 
Act also requires redrafting.

Vested Interests

Why the CTP did abdicate his responsibility to prepare a new Regional Plan 
as per the Act, much before the lapse of the first Regional Plan, when it 
had four times more town planners in his department for doing such work, 
than when the first regional plan was prepared?

The fact remains that there is no accountability in the government. Pleasing 
the Ministers is enough to survive in the government and obtain 
extensions/reappointments in service.

Taking into account the vested interests at the levels of our elected 
representatives who form Goa's Legislature, including those in the 
Government in power and the surrender attitude of the bureaucracy, it will 
be very difficult to undertake such a task of amending the Act as suggested 
above. Yet, in case such proposed amendments to the Act are found to be 
sensible, the GBA can study the Act and demand from the government to carry 
the amendments to the Act.

Paradise in Peril

Goa is being seen as a paradise and everyone from outside is rushing to Goa 
to purchase a piece of land, preferably on the beach side for residence, 
hotels, restaurants, etc.

The diabolic tourism promotion done by the past governments, since 1981, 
without preparing a plan and providing the required infrastructure has 
created this situation and the lobby of builders and brokers from outside 
armed with tonnes of unaccounted money to bribe everyone who holds the key 
of respective power, including the landowners.

The statehood to Goa, with unlimited powers, has destroyed the old fabric of 
Goa and promoted a new generation of rulers who want to be rich in no time 
by extracting money from the citizens by misusing the powers given to them 
by the law. New work force of migrant workers has been created and made to 
settle in Goa to destroy the original beauty and peace of Goa. We have 
reached a point of no return. A person from Goa, finally, is asking for whom 
is the so called advertised development? When I learned that a person of the 
stature of Mr Pronoy Roy, of NDTV is understood to have surrendered to pay a 
sum of Rs 2.5 lakhs to the ex-sarpanch of Calangute, to pass his plans, in 
spite of being advised not to do so, what should the common man do or 
expect? Everyone wants to take short cuts and prefer paying bribes and than 
claim that corruption is endemic in Goa. And now, due to the agitation in 
Goa, the vested interests started working at the Central Government level to 
grab and change the features of Goas's life, by preparing a Coastal Zone 
Management Plan, under which the age old 500-meters line of the high tide is 
proposed to be eliminated and substituted with more amenable yardsticks. Who 
will help us? We lost faith in our elected representatives. Those in power 
have lost all sense of ethics and moral values. They have created total 
degeneration of society at large with bad examples. I fail to understand why 
the work of the so called Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority cannot be 
entrusted to the Town Planning department. Possibly the multiplication of 
agencies/authorities help our elected representatives to manipulate and 
achieve their unfortunate objectives.

Change the law

If the GBA wishes an effective implementation of their views to save Goa 
from further disasters, the first demand that they should make with the 
government is to issue an order by the government cancelling the 
approvals/letters already issued from the appointed date, to stay further 
processing of any application for land/construction request under the Act 
and the Panchayat/Municipality Acts, amend the Town Planning Act on priority 
basis. And on the basis of the amended Act demand the preparation of a fresh 
Regional Plan. It should be a time bound program with time bound reporting 
on the action taken failing which punitive action should follow. If there is 
a will in the government, this can be achieved in short time.


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