 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007


For public viewing. Registration at  The International Centre Goa.  (Ph: 
+91-832-2452805 to 10)

              Online Media Partner:  http://www.GOANET.org
Dear Vinay:

You have given an excellent, well written rebuttal to
the self righteous drivel of Gadgil. By his own
admission this person is a marxist. Marxism has
destroyed entire countries and caused untold misery to
millions. When it comes to killings and genocides
these marxists are light years ahead of any other
organization in modern times. As an economic doctrine
Marxism has been long consigned to the dungheap of

This ideology of hate only survives amongst
discontented poor and uneducated people. It is
precisely because of these pseudosecular bigots that
muslims are made to feel insecure and a sense of
alienation is created amongst them. When the jehadis
strike these people quickly blame the hindus for
causing the pthewise docile muslims to act in a
violent way

The important thing to note is that people like gadgil
and his handlers like puniyani have a highly divisive
agenda and are enemies of the idea of a peaceful
prosperous and truly secular india.These people are
funded by our enemies across the borders and are used
to defame india abroad.

We need to counter these hate mongers  everytime they
try to spread this anti hindu venom but at the same
time we must be careful not to get caught in their
debates. It is more important to do something about
this menace then just talk about it. 


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