Romi Konkanni Propoganda in Dubai

I am just returning after watching a Goan tiatr by Samuel Carvalho at Al Nasr 
Leisureland, Dubai.

The cast included Wilmix and Sharon. in true Wilmix style, at the interval, 
Wilmix gave a short speech to proclaim to the Dubai crowds that he is the 
convenor of the Romi Lipi Front.

I distinctly remember the last time around when Wilmix came for a tiatr in 
Dubai he sang hosannas of how Churchill Alemao is the savior of Romi Konkanni 
and Dabolim Airport...I remember the husband wife duo of praising Churchill as 
the only saviour of the konkanni language.

Not many sandstorms must have hit the Dubai deserts since then....tonite Wilmix 
in his speech for support to Romi Koankanni, went on length how some of its 
very own supporters, specially politicians ditched him and his cause and how he 
intends to continue the fight...but in all diplomacy or fear of Churchill 
almighty...he refrained from naming those trecherous politicians who ditched 
the Romi konkanni cause.

It is time we gather guts and name and shame the politicians who ditch us, 
Goans and Goan causes after realising their selfish ends....Churchill tops the 
list as per me.

Cedric da Costa

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