Hi Ervell,

I really do not know You. I don't know ur age or where u come from(your
roots) but I totally agree with what u wrote about this bad side of us

Earlier I felt it running in my mind against all the usuall hyped ideas
that we r sweet in nature, friendly warm hearted. But with time I know
what a true Goan is and I keep telling friends what the reality is.

True a Goan likes to pull another Goan down. Few examples... I know a
very few Goans(shippees and gulfees) whom I would always keep in touch
asking to try for me for a job abroad. Always I got promises. Even my
close relatives let me down when it came to really practising what they
promised. Infact this bad habit runs in schools where there is groupism
and u will always find a nature of hurting, selfishness even in the
jokes they crack in their peers. Perhaps we really do not have good
ethical behaviour of giving respect. Perhaps mom and dad is busy making
money as they value money above good values. Infact we need to learn a
lot from the rest of Indians. 

Also You written well about this ill nature of gossiping. This brings
fear in the spciety as u always have to take others approval/consent.
This kills our true spirit and freedom of speech curbed.

Another issue is that we see from what meets the eye but forget to look
at problem from a distance. We think we have captured the world with our
little money infact not realising that the there are more wealthier
people elsewhere and we better shut our boasting mouth up.

Well would be looking forward to hear more from what u write.



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