Kudos Wilson...In support of Romi Konkanni

Dear Wilson,

Kudos for that straight forward mail exposing the Aanj Bhodvo of Romi Konkanni.

I wish more of your brothers and sisters who form part of the koankanni machi 
come out unitedly in support for the great cause at a time when it is most 

The time is up for long serving foolish politicians and they cant take the 
janta for a ride anymore...

I am glad more and more people are coming forward on this forum and following 
my example of taking a bold stand on Goan politicians. 

Name them...shame them...chase them...!

I wish tiatrists wear a black arm band while performing at any tiatr in Goa and 
aborad, till such time the Goa government does justice to Romi Konkanni, also a 
total boycott of Kala Academi by tiatrists to perform out there, and 
wholehearted support by the Romi Konkanni wadis in North Goa towards the cause.

Also, Where is Victoria Fernandes these days?  I understand she pledged support 
for Romi Konkanni when it suited her purpose...Is she enjoying the bounty she 
alegedly made after her 'hunger fast fiasco'?

Once again well done Wilson ....also please be aware of christaos used by 
morathiwadis to act as 'spin doctors' of some infamous Margao based NGO which 
is an offshoot of the corrupt Congress.

If koankanni is the official language of Goa, there ought to be an equal place 
for the same in the Romi script as Devnagri.

I appeal ro more Goanetters to voice their support on this forum and make aware 
the Goan public, specially at the time when South Goa will go to polls 
soon....it is the best time to take up a written unedertaking from the leading 
candidates towards their stand on the laguage issue.

Our spineless 'compromise' CM or rather 'dummy' CM has no guts to take a stand 
on any issue that is burning Goa...as his kodel is at stake. He reminds me of a 
woman who is wearing a sari...the pallu of which is held by numerous criminal 
forces, some of whom have taken refuge, or are given asylum or immunity to the 
law... in the cabinet...the day he disappoints any of them they will start the 
'vasthagrahan' or stripping....like the way they did it to Draupadi in 
Valmiki's epic...the Mahabharat!

Cedric da Costa

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