Hi Selma,
  How can you straighten a person who is already bent? like the Chinese proverb 
(dogs tail).
  A frustrated person has nothing on his mind other than that which he wishes 
to do but does not have the guts for fear of penalty,
  Paedohilia is constantly on Bandare's mind, speaks for itself.
  Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The RC church has collected billions of dollars from gullible folks for the 
purpose of charity and alleviating human suffering, and used that money to buy 
justice None of the paedophiles have ever been punished and the Pope himself 
instructed his cardinals not to collaborate with law enforcemnet efforts. 

Bhandare loosen up! Ever since you've come on the
forum you've had nothing else to tell us other than
the Pope condoning pedophilia and Muslims being
terrorists. It's quite obvious you don't know anything
about either the Church or Muslims. The Church does
not "condone" pedophilia or any sexual act for that
matter. It barely tolerates heterosexual sex on the
express condition that neither party enjoys it.

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