Thank you Sanny-bab!\\

Margao Municipal Council unable to help the mess that is Margao Today!

To all the woes faced by the common man in the CM's very own constituency, 
there is a rapid rise in malaria cases all round the year due to the mosquito 

The builders lobby being the strongest in Margao, the law and health 
authorities turn a blind eye to the overflowing of soakpits from buildings.

The MMC and its councillors are busy playing the game of musical chairs, and 
everybody knows who plays the pipe...i mean who actually is the pied piper on 
whose tunes the councillors change sides all the time, giving little time to 
the development and the maintainence of margao city.

There exists various NGOs in Margao who claim to be saviours and protectors of 
Margao and Goa. These NGO's have the cheek to advise the people of Panjim 
Constituency not to vote for Porrikar, when all the money used for those huge 
newspaper adverts could be used to buy mosquito repellants and distribute them 
to the aam aadmi freely.

Margao has a major traffice problem, and since the city has seen haphazzard 
growth, there is no parking spaces available.

The various vendors are freely selling their wares on the main streets and 
admit that if they give a regular hafta to the municipal authorities, nobody 
dare touch them.

Margao is plunged into darkness most of the time due to erratic power supply, 
despite being a commercial capital of Goa.

The stray dog menace has reached newer heights and it has been almost five 
years the MMC does not even have a person to control the stray dogs menace.

Despite tall claims of commissioning water resevoirs atop the monte hill and 
the hill opposite chowgule college, the city taps go dry very often as the 
selaulim pipeline bursts so very often and the electricity supply is erratic to 
keep the pumps running.

The sonsodo garbage plant is yet to be commissioned and very often we find the 
main streets of Margao strewn with garbage. Upon assuming office, our publicity 
hungry CM made the dailies splash a picture of himself in a chaddi (a culture 
he acquired since his BJP days?) but till date nothing has happened on that 

The state of the public health centre or the Hospicio is in shambles. many 
ministers and chief ministers came, saw  and went and took undue mileage to 
improve the plight of the hospicio, but they all took free publicity getting 
themselves photographed posing to shake hands with the patients...shame 
politicians...there is a limit to stoop!

Margao has not seen much development in the past two decades and much is 

I hope the new NGO groups like Ami Modgonvkars come around to do something 
constructive for Margao.

We need members of NGO groups to come out with a broom and weep the streets 
themselves...a la Senapati Bapat...

If the elected members MLAs and councillors couldnt do much in the past ten 
years to improve the plight of the aam aadmi, not much ca be expected in the 

We need the people to come out and question the elected representatives as to 
why progress is not done to improve the situation in Margao.

Hope to see Margao as the model city of Goa and India soon.

Cedric da Costa

 - handed over to the Civic body by SUDA to 
sweep city roads - is corroding at MMC?s Old Market garage. 

The less said about stray dogs and cattle is better. The population of 
strays is fast rising in the city, but the Civic body has not adopted any 
pro-active measures to contain the menace. 

Though the Civic body recently initiated measures to boost up recoveries of 
outstanding arrears, running over Rs three crore, there?s no concrete plan to 
mop up additional revenue by way of house tax, trade licence and advertising 

It?s status as the state Commercial Capital notwithstanding, business 
establishments registered with the Civic body are less than in Panjim and other 
towns, indicating that thousands of shops and establishments are operating 

There?s no respite from the overflowing soakpits in most parts of the city, 
as Margao?s ambitious sewerage scheme is yet to cover the entire city till 

And, despite the bumper-to-bumper traffic witnessed in the city and acute 
parking,neither the Civic body nor the government has stepped to address these 

That the Civic body is plagued by musical-chair games is evident by the fact 
that it had as many as four Chairpersons in the last two years. Incumbent 
Chairperson Johnson Fernandes is not stable either, surviving on the BJP group. 

Admitted former Chairperson, Savio Coutinho: ?This Council has not been able 
to deliver the goods. Not even 25 per cent expectations of the people has been 
achieved in the last two years.

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