This advertisement promoting Vauraddeancho Ixtt (Workers Friend) appeared
in an old book published by Borem Vachop Vistarunchem Kendr (Centro de
Propaganda de Boa Impresensa), Misanvanchi Seminar, Pilar, Goa. I am posting
it here in the spirit of the broader education -- reading Ixtt would
certainly have given; to people like my grandparents, and certainly yours.
How indeed, many of those Goans may have seen their existence in Goa,
against the backdrop of the outside world, as read in its pages. My memory
is seeing Ixtt as a precious item on the small round table leading to the
dinning room in my mothers home in Batim. The knowledge that many gained
from such papers, lead some to stay in Goa, and yet others to travel beyond
Dodomarg to Mumbai, Lucknow, Jhansi, Kanpur, Basra, Dharan, Kuwait, Macau,
Maputo, Montevideo, and beyond, in search of serching for life and bread,
often coming back for love.

Hopefully others will feel like sharing their memories -- those who have a
relationship to Konknni. Whether be it one as lived through Romi or Nagari
(and other sripts too); Hindus, Muslims, Seculars, Christians, and those who
see themselves as Hindu Christians -- of which there are many, either via a
continuous or a contiguous lineage, or through practice. It is through
common and analogous resonances, that we may, and can seek broader
similarities. This is not mere nostalgia on my part, but a thought that by
taking a few steps into the past -- that we may see in ourselves a
collective consciousness that can prevail, as embodied though Konknni.

Potram bitor Goeant ani
Goaim bhair chodd fanki:

Vauraddeancho Ixtt
(O Amigo dos Operarios)

Jinsavar bhitorleo ani bhaileo khobro, sogleancheach faideacho,
ruchicheo ani xikounnen borloleo kannio tacher porgot zatat.

Ek pautt mog lagtoch konnunch taka sanddinnam
Ek dis ienam zatoch gollunk lagtat dukham
Hea pasun bariksannen chintun polle atam
Ani za tacho suskritor vell lainastannam.

Its pages highly renowned
inside Goa and outside of Goa:

Workers Friend

Multifarious (in scope) news -- internal and external, beneficial to all,
tasteful and educational stories are presented in it

When one develops a love for it no one deserts (it)
A day without it, tears start gushing
On account of that think carefully now
And become a subscriber without any delay

venantius j pinto

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