The Goa Su-Raj Party wishes,  with all its heart  and might, that both the 
Congress as well as the BJP candidates should lose in the just concluded SG-MP- 
Elections to the two independents.

It would give this Party the greatest pleasure to celebrate if any one of the 
Independents were to win.

But that could be  'wishful thinking' on our part.

But if it is, and a genie should suddenly appear from a (preferably a Feni) 
bottle,   and should the generous Genie offer us a wish between the Congress 
and the BJP candidates (not the respective parties, mind you)..... We would 
choose the BJP candidate  Sr. Dotor Wilfred Mesquita over the hypocrite 
Sardinha, not as a lesser evil, but just to see that the feet that Congress of 
Goa stands on are sliced  to smitherens.

It is said that given a choice between a Sindhi and a Cobra, one shud go for 
the Sindhi (read Advani) first, and then tackle the Cobra  at one's own sweet 
time; likewise Sardinha should be struck first,   to get at the corrupt and 
equally or more communal Congress, first,  and then tackle this opportunist 
(not so gullible as we thought him to be) Sr.  Dr. Wilfred Mesquita at our own 

The Goa Su-Raj Party hopes that the BJP WINS TOMORROW.



GOA needs a 'REVOLUTION' if it is to see better days.
Goasuraj is that revolution. Support it.

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