>Firstly, i debated long if i should stoop to your level in replying to 
>non->entities like you. To me you dont count, i challenge you to have an 
>>indept knowledge of Goa's estwhile politics and political acumen to >analyse 
>the ground realities of politics, in Goa and the world over. I also >challenge 
>you to admit on this forum if you ever held any political post >even in 
>college level politics.
Mr. Cedrico you are getting very personal here. I am not a politician neither 
contested any election. I just wanted to make it clear to you that  liberty of 
expressing your opinion does not meant saying  any  drivel on the domain  you 
are ignorant about sitting in Dubai. Your conceptions are only reflections  of 
prejudiced rhetoric  of  opportunist politicians who spread fallacious  rumors 
to create fear psychosis  for their political gains. Gujrat incident is a blot 
on Humanity. I condemn Narendra Modi and those who were responsible for the 
carnage be it either Godhra train incident or the riots that followed after 
that.  You can not compare Goan BJP supporters with those  Gujaratis. The 
people who are voting for BJP in Goa are always Secular and voted  for the 
stable and clean administration.
Goan political scenario is totally different from rest of India. We do not have 
history of poll violence except few stray incidents for which you can not blame 
a single party.
>You are entitled to honour the people you think are saints and saviours, >i am 
>entitled to mine.By calling me a bluff...you think you gain >immortality or 
>martyer hood...maybe in the darbar of Porrikar!
>I am a neutral political analyst. I criticize in the same vein a Digamber 
>>kamat and a Porrikar as i know they have the same communial virus >that runs 
>in their blood. The BJP is a blot on a secular India and tried its >best to 
>destroy Goa and do a Gujarat here. The result was the >resounding slap the 
>electorate gave the BJP at the recent hustings.
Neutral analyst do not air their bias view against any selective political 
Election results at a given time and place have no permanent immutable 
validity. Most of the times demagogues and despots successfully manage to 
manipulate the will of the people by using either muscle power  or  money 
earned by  corruption and scandalous means
Take my words a Party losing or winning elections does not make it good or bad. 
Gujarat have voted Modi by overwhelming majority and will repeat the feat in 
next elections too. It does not make the Gujarat leadership as right similarly 
Goan electorate rejecting Goa BJP unit in last elections does not make it bad 
>I am in possessions of various documents that were ccd to porikar when >he was 
>Cm when Digamber kamat was running riot with several catholic >families in 
It is your people who have re elected him from Margao Constituency.
>Leave that for another day. As long as Porrikar is associated with the >RSS, 
>and BJP...even if he changes his thick hide, nobody will believe him >and to 
>the Goan masses he is like the cat who told everyone about the >sanyas it took 
>at kashi, no sooner it saw a rat it pounced on it and >devouvered it.
The majority of MLAs from the current ruling party and their cronies  are not 
originally from Congress Party. This herd of  comrades have flocked together 
with one aim in common to heap the riches while sun shines.
Parrikar have always remained loyal to BJP ever since joining it come hell or 
high waters and not mortgaged his loyalty for the sake of opportunism.
>I also pity you but actually people like you who chastise true Goan 
>>contemporary freedom fighters like Floriano and myself who are >fighting for 
>Goa's freedom from the clutches of communial and corrupt >elements like your 
>BJP...will go no where in life.
>And please refrain in calling people names on this forum, least i will feel 
>>that you are nothing better than the someone in Goa who would abuse >anyone 
>for a quarter of feni or a some cheap liquor that your master >could have 
>afforded to make you drink!
>You need to have some guts to call a spade a spade and write on >GOANET, in 
>the better interest of GOANS and GOA!
You and your mentor Floriano better fight against corruption, nepotism and non 
performance by current Government because of lust and internal fighting. BJP is 
not in power now. Instead of digging dead from grave you  better  do something 
productive endeavor to have a check on malfunctioning of current Government if 
you do not trade yourself for bottle of imported drink which only the people 
from ruling party can afford to offer you.

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