Margao's Hospicio Hospital -- Nice Article Valmiki

Congratulations Dear Valmiki-bab, (my dear Ghao-bhao at Margao and a former 
Mayor of Margao whom, i always have a lot of respect for his strong sense of 
imagination and maturity ever since his days at the MMC)... for capturing the 
history in a nutshell of Margao's erstwhile ''Vodle Hospital'.

Ages after the generous priest and the actual social workers of Margao then 
started this people oriented and charitable venture...the Hospicio at margao 
has been used to get cheap and free mileage by politicians of today,who come 
there, get photographed and never deliver even an ounce of their long list of 
promises and quick-fix solutions that they promise.

Tall claims have been made by successive health ministers and dummy chief 
ministers, but there has been no progress in the way the Hospicio functions and 

Margao boasts of several NGOs who even went to the extent to lend a helping 
hand to the displaced at Baina, but have never come out to do anything 
notewhorthy for the Hospicio, in their own backyard at Margao.

I wonder if the strong builders lobby that is camoufledged in the various NGO 
groups in Margao have their eyes on this prime land and want to capture it to 
build their own castles.

Also, as Valmiki pointed out, the cramming of government offices like the 
sub-registrar as more and more space is filled in safeguarding the information 
and documents of the migrants in Margao who are the dear guests of the puppets 
in power.

Today, if a true Goan aam aadmi goes to the municipality for a birth 
certificate, he or she may be told that the book that contains (like i was once 
told, until the clerk realised i was a journalist) is eaten by white ants, 
while the records of the honourable migrants will be easily available.

I guess the slogan of the puppets in power should read as aam immigrants than 
aam aadmi, and besides any Goan would prefer to be called NIZ GOENKAR than AAM 


Cedric da Costa

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