Dear JC,

I have tried my best to take this forward i am hoping
that my responses will elicit another round of
comments from you.

re 1: We may wish to ask ourselves: The outsiders
never fished like
this before 1961. Why are they able to fish now? What
besides the
departure of the Portuguese happened after 1961?
Please see

The Portuguese were outsiders themselves.many goans
esp from the elite class collaborated with them the
way we have
 some people doing it today  There was big time
fishing going on before 1961. Post liberation
the situation was different. The landed elite from
both the major communities lost much of
their clout and the field became level to a certain
extent. My perspective is from history books ,you must
experienced the situation first hand.So i will not go
into details Let us focus on the issues we have today
irrespective of what hapened in 1961 or after that.
Also thanks to IT and global supply chain we can not
compare the situation in 1961 with what we have in

re 2: I did include the word "perhaps" for a reason.
It cannot be the
same Parrikar we have seen in action thus far ....with
: the multiple
coups and deals to gain control of power, the curious
muzzling of the
press, the Francisco Colaco and Floriano Lobo
episodes, the VCD for
sure, the expenditure on the flurry of BJP bigwigs who
used Goa as
their holiday spots (who paid for these junkets?) etc.
 If we learn
from history, we will learn that many efficient
leaders are also
unfortunately very intolerant of opposing views and
dictatorial in
their actions e.g. Salazar

Your points are all valid but as regards the junkets
every party does that During congress rule
its sonias italian family that enjoys hospitality at
the cost of indians while during
NDA it is vajpayees foster family.It happens in the US
too Lets not make a issue out of those.

re 3: It remains to be seen IF and when Parrikar will
make real amends
for the disgraceful VideoCD affront to the
sensibilities of Goan

My question to you is: what do you think parrikar
should do, short of something radical as severing ties
with the RSSor BJP.In your opinion is renouncing RSS
the only way to make amends?

re 4 & 5: Please see footnote

can you please describe how the political situation in
india or for that matter any 3rd world country
is different from Goa?  ..are goans the only people in
india who vote in
corrupt politicians? the point i am trying to belabor
here is that goans are no different from anyone else
Many expats including yourself would like to lay the
blame at delhi's doorstep..but can you give me one
when a goan politician has tried to do something
genuinely good for goans and Delhi sarkar has
arent rane ravi willy churchill parrikar babush all
"niz goenkaars"? as regards babus, can you tell me
how many goan boys or girls answer IAS IPS IFS exams?
is there any proof that Goans are being discriminated
agaisnt by non goans? i do not think so.
As regards Inquisition and communal riots and sati i
will skirt that issue because it will needless skew
the discussion
and it will quickly degenerate into mudslinging

re 6: Are you serious? !  You expect Goan Catholics to
take the lead
in this matter from Aires and Matanhy?

What is inherently bad about mathany or aires? till
now christaons have been led by
sardinha,willy and maybe a few others.Their lot hasnt
improved drastically 
the script issue is being flogged again and again
without solution.So what is wrong with following
Isnt he one of the more non corrupt and upright
individuals we have in politics today?


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