Dear rajan :
these security guards are usually employed by the
local MLA or corporator or the shaka pramukh in mumbai
and they provide "security" for a hefty price...the
"boys" as they are affectionately refered to by their
godfathers are very useful as muscle power for
enforcing bandhs and during time of elections..

if the security guard is a "bahadur" then his duties
are divided into snoozing at the gate during the
day,and doubling as the chef at a chinese "gaadi" 
during the night...gaudily painted with a snarling
dragon breathing fire for addded ..the slant eyes make
the "chowmin" more authentic i guess :-)

I hope you find some like minded people for your PIL
idea..but the real change will come only when goans
wake up from their slumber...

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