Raves on "Adeus" in New Jersey

Thanks very much - Jimmy Fernandes - New York and Silviano Barboza 
(Toronto), Canada  for your raves on the performance in New Jersey of
the well known  Konkani  Tiatr - "Adeus" by Toronto's Raymond - aka 
Jnr. Menezes and his 33  plus compatriots from the Canadian

As expected, that was high class konkani  tiatr with Jnr. using his
varied skills to blend  the special effects that held many new comers
to the Konkani arena- "spellbound". His intertwining of
English with the mainly  Konkani script-aimed at non-konkani
speakers- was very effective.

Some 350 plus attendees from New Jersey, New York city, Long Island,
the Peekskill area in UpState New York and a few from neighboring
states  attended the show at the Parish Center of Peace Church in 
North Brunswick- a 40-minute drive from New York city. It was
organized by the Goan Association of New Jersey (GOANJ).

This is the first time in north-eastern USA that an event other than
a dance or picnic in New Jersey or New York has attracted so many
people- many of whom were first time attendees at a Konkani tiatr.

I emceed the event with  Brenda Fernandes of New Jersey and
Aurita Dias from Long Island- ( ex Carmona and Betalbatim in Salcete,
Goa)- catering to the Konkani speakers. There were a great appendage.

When introducing Jnr. I "lifted" some info from Silviano's great
review of the October 13 performance in Toronto.

In the process of my introduction, I surprised  Silviano's wife- Sera
whose performance as a  gaudim was hilarious and sent the audience to
great laughters.

It was gratifying to note that your son - Glenn was a member of the
Stage Crew. Jnr  included kids in the show as he stressed that
their presence added some flavor. This is something for parents
in the diaspora to emulate- i.e. getting kids to appreciate our
rich cultural heritage. 

I was also attempting to link the Konkani play as an attestment to
those goans who sacrificed their lives to ensure that Konkani would
be the lingua franca of the Goans- culminating in the 1989
recognition of Konkani as the Official State language of Goa State. 

The performers unfortunately  had to grapple with a stage that 
lacked "depth" - a great hindrance against a backdrop of state 
of the art stage effects. Jnr.  was obviously very disappointed with
this anomaly, but as he modestly said that he and members of troupe
would make the best of what was available.( New Jersey, unfortunately
has  great restrictions in acquiring  wide and "deep" stages).

Before the main show and  immediately after the interval, three
groups from New Jersey and one each from  Long Island and Peekskill
in New York State "showcased"    local talent. Many attendees
were surprised to note the "hidden" skills.

At the end  of show, I asked Jnr if he will perform again in New
Jersey; once again he modestly answered that it will all depend on
New Jersey's Minguel Barretto - his  childhood friend from his 
ancestral village in Quepem, Salcete- where he first staged the play-
and  the GOANJ President - Felix Menezes.

Minguel and Felix spearheaded the  idea of bring the troupe - against
a backdrop of complex logistics and financial constraints.  After
presenting their proposals to the GOANJ Planning Committee ( of which
I am a member with my wife- Edna), it was  agreed to go ahead
with the trip.


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