To Goanet -

A small group gathered this evening (Wed, Nov 14, 2007)
at the site of the proposed SEZ in Keri, Ponda taluka.

This quintessential Goan Hindu village, ringed with
hills, is the birthplace of one of the world's greatest
20th C musicians, Kesarbai Kerkar.  It is also home to
two charming temples, one of Vetal, the other of

We first called on Mr. Vetal, the ancient, fierce
grama-deva (village deity).  He is meant to be
worshipped au naturel (and indeed, I verified
with the temple custodian that the old idol is
gloriously testicular) but we live in puritanical
times -

A refueling stop for chaa and biscuti at the
local gaado -

This is a different world.  Things here move at the
pace of grass growing.  Keri is the very definition of
tranquility.  The fact that anyone could even conceive
of disturbing this equilibrium - that in itself ought to
be considered a crime.

Among those present included Matanhy Saldanha,
Dr. N.S. Dumo and Floriano Lobo.  There were other
activists but I didn't know their names.  The intent
was to survey the site (the same as the infamous
Nylon 66 location) and take stock of the damage

A wide angle shot of the Keri SEZ site.  Note the
recent incision made into the hill -

We were denied entry and a long back-and-forth ensued.
There's a respectable vote bank kitty for the local
politico already, given the large posse of guards (from
Madhya Pradesh) -

The police showed up with an alacrity not displayed when
your home is burgled -

We were finally let into the grounds, which are extensive -

To summarize: We are dealing with savages here, enemies
of civlization.  The current corrupt government of Goa
is wholly complicit in this barbarism.

Warm regards,


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