* GOANET **** C * O * M * M * U * N * I * T * Y **** E * V * E * N * T *
      Xavier Center of Historical Research  presents  HISTORY HOUR
       TOPIC:  Waste Wise - An Interactive Awareness Presentation
                        on Waste Management in Goa

          SPEAKER:  Clinton Vaz - November 16, 2007 - 5:30pm

                      VISIT: http://tinyurl.com/222757
   Frederick to Selma: What you're used to in the West would probably not be
    attained even in our dreams here.

    Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote thus in response:

    1: Fred. Since when have the Westerners become so  conscious of hygiene?
    2: In the 18th and 19th centuries American farms  were malodorous pigsties.
    3: But then it's always easy to poke fun at the poor and the defenceless
    -- as if they are doing it for fun and not because they're being exploited
      and left to their own devices without even basic amenities.

jc's comment:

Was Frederick talking about the 18 and 19th century when he wrote to
Selma, or was he writing about the present?

It is just like saying that nudity in public in the year 2007 is OK
because the Nairs expected the 'the poor and the defenceless' "lower
caste" women (in kerala) to expose their bosoms to Nair men until the
turn of the 20th century?  It is also like saying that because the
Nairs in Kerala practised Kettukalyanam or Sambandham (mock and casual
marriage respectively) until the mid 20th century, it is OK to do it
in 2007.

How about being time relevant for a change?

I agree that the poor are often times left 'to their own devices
without even basic amenities' BUT who is exploiting them in a manner
which forces them to come to Goa?

Rajan Parrikar has made some good points on this matter. Besides, HOW
would RKN react if twenty plus of the 'the poor and the defenceless'
came into his yard and decided to 'use their own devices'?

Unless, RKN believes that Goa is one big toilet.

I'd say this to him: Not yet my friend, Not yet.

And WHO do Goans thank for this singularly brilliant development of
their homeland?


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