I remember, we were eating those shell (fish).
It's shape was round the size of a  CD/DVD disk.
We boiled  to open it and we got two discs. We eat the flesh (as in mussels)
and throw away the shells/disc (bright/silver color discs)
Plenty seen in every body's backyard dumped as waste.
Farmers used to put up the shells (hanging) in their filed. I think it's
reflection (Sun's rays) was driving away crows (and evil eye) etc

A lady used to come to sell door to door. And that was in 1970's.
I have never seen it since then.
Locally, we called it 'Mendio'.
'Mendiam Korpam zonelam'

Nowadays, ladies only coming to sell Tisrio, Xinannio and Kalvam

There is one house close to my house with such windows

Thanks for the pic, FN

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