Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 17:11:40 -0500
From: "Goanet News Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mario adds:
Kudos to Tomazinho Cardozo for writing about the caste
system, especially among Goan Christians.
However, Cardozo has been far too measured and polite
in dispassionately outlining this issue. 
This abhorrent system victimises your fellow human
beings, for God's sake.  Yet, India and Indians assume
a self-righteous moral superiority over everyone else.
 Humbug!  Hypocrites!
The caste system is one of the most diabolical social
systems of discrimination against fellow human beings
ever devised, all the excuses for how it started
notwithstanding.  It is even more heinous when used by
Christians, who thereby confirm that they are pious
hypocrites.  It is as bad as apartheid, which came
centuries later.
What make both these systems especially offensive is
the fact that they lock a person into his or her
place, and their heirs as well, simply by the accident
of birth, with no end in sight, no recourse, simply
nothing that an individual can do but cope or suffer. 
Can anything be more cruel and inhumane?
I'm sure everyone reading this has seen perfectly
wonderful individuals victimized by this insane system
and made miserable for the rest of their lives.  Some
of you have experienced this gratuitous misery
It is high time that someone opened up this can of
worms, this deplorable abomination to scrutiny, but
far more needs to be done.  Just like the societal
carelessness in India that I have described in another
post, it is high time that every well-meaning Indian
rise up and begin to demolish this atrocity, starting
in their own homes.  Christians need to play a leading
How can India become a world superpower if we do not
incinerate the original manual on discrimination that
was written in our country centuries ago and all the
misery it has brought to so many innocent Indians,
even though it may have helped some who benefitted
from it along the way?

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