Dear Jose:

I had very thoughtfully taken our exchange offline
because even though i disagree with some things that
you say ,you at least had the civility and the decency
to respond to the questions i asked you...
i have little respect for the likes of selma who only
abuse  others and are hypocritical to the core...
her posts reflect a pathetic mindset that is always
confrontational and seeks attention by needlessly
villifying others...

please refer the archives and you will see the kind of
language she has used against me as well as
others...she also continually insinuated that i am
posting under different aliases which is a patent
falsehood...she had called jesus christ a rabble
rouser and the church a mafia organization and when i
pointed this out she denied it and later when faced
with incontrovertible evidence apologised.

"being wary of" and "hating" are indeed different
terms but i think some one who uses terms like
"poisonous snakes" "wolves" etc is taking things too

as regards sonia gandhi i do not hate her, if you
think that my writings reflect such hate against her
please point to the relevant posts...i am asking you
this because i think that you are someone who usually
follows up what you say with relevant proof...

as regards the VCD issue again refer to the archives
and you will read my posts where i have explicitly
stated that the government had absolutely no business
in peddling such a thing... once again private
organizations can do what they want as it comes under
the right to free speech...
in fact that particular film was also cleared by the
censor board.

over to you,



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