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Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




Panaji, the capital city of Goa, is populated by VIPs, bureaucrats and
affluent families, but you will find everywhere  potholed, unevenly
paved and untarred patches on roads, and the trenches which are not
filled after digging,  and foul-smelling overflowing open drains which
are making life very unpleasant for the Panaji inhabitants. 

I can not understand why those holding high civil positions in CCP are
so apathetic to conditions in our City ? 

Adding to the woos, several shopping malls which have come up in this
area but their surroundings are filled with  ghanti hawkers who
constantly litter the area with filth which stinks and is also sore to
the eyes. Can Mr Tony Rodriguez , the Chairperson or any official from
CCP   explain as to why these venders/ hawkers  are allowed to conduct
business in our city ? 

Several open drains on both sides of the roads is the cause of breeding
mosquitoes. Overflowing and uncleared dustbins stand in mute testimony
to the general air of neglect specially around Market area.

The tourist season has started in Goa with big influx of domestic and
foreign tourist who crowd the City for shopping and other leisure
activities in addition to IFFI events  but the local authorities seem to
be quite disinterested as pitiable civic amenities, dreadful roads;
traffic and parking problems have no end in Panaji. 

Though some parking slots have been created in the city, yet during the
peak season even these fall short, leading to traffic congestion. The
cleanliness of the town figures low on the priority list of our CCP, as
the entire garbage of the town is being dumped either into St Inez
Nullah or at Baiguinim dumping site. 

The CCP should expedite and plan development work of the entire city
without any favouritism or bias towards  any Municipal ward.



Vinay Natekar

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