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Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




Nice to see this subject brought up again, thank you Mr Lopes.  I had read on 
this forum about a young boy who had been infected by AIDS (as opposed to the 
HIV virus) by eating pineapple from a vendor in Goa who was discovered to have 
  When I questioned this and sought more information about this, I received a 
couple of rebukes from Goanetters who said this subject had been discussed 
previously and lots of comments were posted on the forum.
  Since coming onto this forum I have not seen anything relating to the HIV 
virus, nor the AIDS which developed later, its prevention or any official 
figures, until I got in touch with a bona fide agency which deals with HIV & 
AIDS and when I reiterated the story to them, they said it was impossible to 
catch HIV virus from a pineapple because once the infected blood had left the 
body, the virus would die.
  On this forum I received two private emails which congratulated me for 
passing on this info & one who sent in a public notice that nobody was 
basically interested in the subject because it was already discussed.
  I am however pleased you have taken the time & made the effort to bring the 
subject up again, I dont think the subject should be left in the archives & it 
is important that the subject of HIV infection (and its prevention) is made 
public on a regular basis, for this type of disease is not openly discussed in 
Goan families as often, if at all.  Of course in Indian & most European 
countries, the subject appears to be taboo.
  Its no good just telling single people to pop on a condom and all will be 
well.  Two things come to mind when this is said, one is that it will increase 
promiscuity & secondly it makes people lethargic & will not worry too much 
about the other ways in which HIV can be transmitted.
  A woman cannot pop on a condom (unless its on the man she is with).  
Therefore if she is infected & the they do not have intercourse but have other 
sexual relations which transfer bodily fluids this can infect the partner.
  Its about education and I recommend to everyone, and as a father of two girls 
I have stressed that EDUCATION in all aspects of this disease be made public to 
EVERYONE who may be at puberty or just before, when they also learn about sex 
itself.  Dont leave it too late please.  Education is only way forward.  Go to 
genuine websites & get the info, email the organisations like Terrence Higgins 
Trust (in the UK), who will be pleased to send you more information or 
recommend for you.
  Dont listen to quacks who can cure you with a mixture of cow dung mixed with 
honey which they rub on your belly button, or as in some African states that 
the witch doctors say to HIV men who have been diagnosed in their last stages 
of live, to have sex with a baby will cure you.
  Yes, pretty disgusting, but the rape of young girls & babies of both sexes 
endure this atrocity, it is quite common there and it revolts us to know that a 
witch doctor recommends this as a cure!
If you suspect yourself, your partner or someone in the family, or friends may 
have had unprotected sex with someone who is not your common partner, then the 
only solution is to go for a test to find out.
  What to do afterwards it also recommended by the HIV AIDS organisations.  
  Lastly please remember, you cannot catch the HIV virus  by drinking from the 
same cup as an HIV positive person has used, you can use the same cutlery & 
plates (but common sense tells us for hygiene purposes, and cross contamination 
of OTHER types of viruses, such as e. coli or salmonella etc, to WASH all 
crockery and cutlery ANYWAY), but if you used the same items, even the toilet 
seat, you WILL NOT catch the disease.
  Because the HIV virus, which leads to AIDS cannot survive outside the body, 
not even on a pineapple.  It can however enter through broken skin, but you 
have to place the virus directly into the cut to get a chance of passing it on, 
there is NO RECORD in its 30yr history where infected food has passed on the 
virus to another living human being.
  Dont be scared, just be cautious.
  And thanks again Mr Lpes for bringing some extra sanity to this forum. Oh by 
the way, excuse me for cutting and summarising your post, I have been told by 
the moderators that I must not send in the previous post in full, as it takes 
up bandwidth.  I have had several of my posts deleted in the past because I 
responded with the full previous post being attached.
  John Monteiro
Bonefacio Lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote = One in three people in the world's 
major industrialised countries "know little or nothing" about the deadly 
HIV/AIDS pandemic and 25 per cent believe that the problem has been "greatly 
exaggerated" by the media, a poll said...............In response, the challenge 
is to make HIV/AIDS more real to the public, "to put a face on the disease" 
that kills 2.1 million people every year........"AIDS will only become real, it 
will only become important when we see past the statistics," he stated.

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