SEZ is BJP baby Parented by Parikar and Digamber

I have been seeing in the media all sorts of denials resorted to by the two top 
BJP politicians in Goa. One the impotent leader of opposition and the other, 
the BJP/RSS/Sangh Paarivar man in the Congress, Digamber Kamat who heads the 
bankrupt Congress in Goa. 

If the records are correctly quoted, Sardinha must have the guts to bring out 
to the Goa's people that both Monahar Parriker and Digamber Kamat were the 
prime creators of the SEZ controversy while they ruled Goa through the 
communial Bharatiya Janata party, a sad era in Goa's history that saw communial 
violence and dividing of Goa on lines of caste and religion. 

Today, our CM is so scared to take on Manohar Parrikar and expose the BJP that 
he knows very well that if he holds Manohar Parrikars nose, his mouth will 
open, the way the old koankanni saying goes, and its vice versa. 

Goa is very unfortunate, some evil witch has cast its evil eye on this 
beautiful land. The misfortune of Goa is that both the CM and the leader of 
opposition are both pro-BJP men and have committed joint sins while in the BJP 
days. Today both try to save each other's tails. 

The people of Margao will agree that most of Digamber Kamat's supporters in 
Margao are BJP activists and many of the BJP staunch supporters worked for 
Digamber Kamat during the elections for a bargain. Manohar Parrikar knew of 
this secret liasion, but to Manohar Parrikar, Digamber Kamat is an old BJP 
buddy and he did not campaign much at Margao to dethrone Digamber Kamat. 

A sad future lies for Goa when both the Leader of opposition and the CM have an 
unholy nexus through common cadres of the BJP.

It is a shame for the experienced and age old Congress ministers and MLAs that 
they are unable to expose the fact to the people and not have an original 
congressman as the chief monster. Also, politicians like Churchill Alemao have 
proved to the Goans that he is a mercenary and is interested in profits for 
himself, and his family only. Churchill is the darkest defacement for catholics 
in Goa's politics and has let down even the church in Goa. 

SEZ, IFFI and RP 2011 are the creations of land sharks and at one time there 
was an unholy nexus between Manohar Parrikar, Digamber Kamat and builders like 
Datta Naik. Digamber Kamat also has interests in real estate through benami 
companies and hence he too benefits from the Regional plan and the rampant 
selling of Goa. 

The sins of ommission and commission committed by Manohar Parrikar in his 
capacity as leader of opposition goes to show to the Goan public that he is not 
too keen to expose the misdeeds of the Congress under Digamber Kamat. 

Manohar Parrikar has been using frontmen like BJP men in the GBA and Mathany 
Saldhana and Aires Rodriguese (both co-incidently catholics) instead of him 
comming down in the battle field.

Goa's lone media warrior, If one has annalysed the situation,  the Independent 
Goan Observer run by Rajan Narayan is also not very independent anymore but is 
dependent on Digamber Kamat as he has provided a ghanti with a roof over his 
head. As a Digamber Kamat fashion to provide basis ammenities to ghantis and 
get them into his camp (not sure which camp he might choose to be at the 

In the last issue of the GO, rajan claimed that Shridhar Kamat, who everyone 
knows to be a pro-RSS man and is always singing bhajans, hymns and aartis in 
favour of Digamber Kamat, to be secular and secular activists in the GBA to be 
pro-BJP fans. Shridhar Kamat is a deadly chamcha of anything that buys him 
bread or say a bottle of feni! 

I am sure Rajan Narayan owes this much to Digamber Kamat and his great home 
provider Datta Naik another unwanted thrash from Margao town. So by buying 
Rajan Naryan, Digamber kamat has scored another ace. If you observe Rajan 
Naryan writes more of IFFi and conjugal sex in the GO than politics. 

Also sad for Goa are the selling out of NGO's. In Goa everybody is desperate to 
make a fast buck, even by selling their back sides like the way Goans are 
selling their land. Many have sold out to the lure of money. 

I ask an open question to the Congress of Digamber Kamat and the BJP of Manohar 
Parrikar -- please do not give the impression to the people that you are not 
the saviours of the SEZs. I ask Manohar Parrikar and his BJP, that should they 
have been in power and in a position to make a commission  through SEZs, 
wouldnt they have deemed fit that Goa deserves SEZs? 

And why is Digamber Kamat so slow in acting? has he to run to his mama-mia 
Sonia Gandhi and Margaret Alva to whom he owes his seat of power to consult to 
check what is good for Goa?

Where is the Aam Aadmi in all this? Goa doesnt want fake propoganda like IFFI 
where it will be a great party for Digamber Kamat and his colleagues in the 
cabinet to get photographed with Shah Rukh Khan. 

Stop SEZs Mr CM. It will destroy Goa and also you in the bargain. Show some 
spine both you leader of the opposition and the leader of the Congress.

Also, writers on this forum are very active to oppose the SEZs and it is 
welcome to see the stand taken by so many Goans all over the world to protect 
the cultural heritage and greenery of Goa. 

I hope better literate sense prevails in the minds of the dummy people in power 
-- who are out to cheat the people further through SEZs.

Let this Goa Liberation Day be the day the future of Goa is decided, like Goans 
showed to the world in 1987 through the koanknni agitation. 

Digamber Kamat is boasting of the President of being the chief guest of the 
function at Lohia Maidan, let the people show in protest to the president how 
Digamber Kamat is fooling the people of Goa.

I hope the GBA and anti-SEZ activists develop strong spines which cannot be 
bent by the lure of power by the ruling Congress and the leader of opposition. 

I am saddened to learn that although the two top leaders of Goa are such 
crooks, they have a fan following of chamhas, who often open up on this forum.

A huge word of praise for Rajan Parriker, Floriano, Minguel, Wilma (Muscat), 
Gabe (UK), Cedrico (Dubai), J Cola, Joe Goa, Aires Rodrigues. If Goa has to see 
a change, watch out for these men who I say will go on to rule Goa one day. As 
it feels to me that these individuals although some of them are as far have 
better insight of the future of Goa and its economic interests than all the 
elected defaulters of the Goa Vidhan Sabha. 

Long live the spirit of Goa.

Jamima Dias

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