I  wish you could think of ACTION too on the caste issue among so called
'Catholic' Goans. To date, it is my view that you have invariably 'shielded'
or 'protected' caste among 'Catholics' in Goa rather than attacked it in any
meaningful way. However, on this last point, you could of course provide me
firm evidence that I may be mistaken in the above  sentence.

 Please note that this is not a personal quarrel with you at all and I am
aware that you are a fellow PhD whom I respect. On the caste issue, you
particularly have a role as a priest and I am just tired of people wittingly
or unwittingly allowing this caste nonsense to continue. unchallenged.

 Dear Cornel:

I do not like to engage in this type of protracted pseudo-discussions. But,
allow me to state a few points.

1-       Internet appeared on the scene recently, Goanet was born yesterday;
and some anti-casteist woke up on the scene of the internet just this
morning! The perniciousness of the caste in Goan society was battled decades
ago and continues to be battled till today, and statements were made, and
positions staked. Documents were issued, etc. and those interested launched
themselves quietly to change the minds and hearts of the people on the issue
of caste. Lost of progress has been made. A little due diligence by those
who woek up recently on the internet and are talking about the caste problem
would have made some of these discussions more fruitful.

2-      The question of Church. It is a complex institution and most people
who engage the Church critically have no understanding of the institution of
the Church, what it is, how it works, and what it does. They love to throw
the word "Church" around. I would like to believe that well educated people
would take time to understand the terms of discussions they engage in. A
Pope is not the Church, a Bishop is not the Church. If a Bishop is casteist,
the Church is not casteist. If a priest is casteist the Church is not
casteist. Of course, there may be priests who are casteists. Like in every
profession there are some flawed individuals. But that does not make the
whole institution casteist. A study in Ecclesiology is strongly recommended
to those who want to engage the Church. And it is good to engage the Church.
Otherwise, any discussion on and about the Church is just a rant, and not
worth participating.

3-      There are some who are battling their own inferiority complexes and
look every thing through the prism of caste - and they cry caste every time
they perceive themselves as being slighted.  Of course, there are
individuals who are caste-minded. But, that does not give reason to paint
the whole society as casteist.  Some of the folks, including priests, have
made a cottage industry to keep themselves in the limelight, gratifying
their egos, and keeping themselves relevant. By making NOISE either from the
Church pulpits or on the internet, hearts and minds are not transformed. Of
course, the scourge of caste, in many sectors, continue. Some who report on
the caste problems are not credible or reliable sources. Some of them battle
their own demons, and caste-battle becomes a good camouflage for their, most
of the time perceived, defficiencies. The confrontational approach has not
solved the problem; on the contrary, people have solidified their positions
as a challenge to the confrontational approach, even though they have had
come to an intellectual understanding that caste is a bad idea.
Confrontationalists have, in many instances, aggravated the situation
between various groups. And the confromtationalsts think of themselves as
heroes. Meanwhile, they have destroyed, many times irreparably,  the quiet,
subtle but solid transformations taking place in some communities.

4-      Action: There are lot of people who work or ACT quietly behind the
scenes, and accomplish much more. Just because they are not part of the
NOISE-makers bandwagon, that does not mean they are complicit in maintaining
the pernicious structures of the caste system.

5-      Cornel, what makes you to think that I have not thought of ACTION?
Just because you do not know about it?  I have thought about it 35 years ago
and have been at it, given my temperament, and my pedagogy, working at it
based on my convictions. I don't need to make a statement of my position,
and what action I take or have taken to satisfy others.

6-      You are asking me to give you "firm evidence." What is your measure
of FIRM? What you think of me is immaterial.

7-      After reading this post, if someone is led to construct that I
"shield" and "protect" caste among the Goan Catholics, so be it.

Basilio Monteiro

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