           * * *  2007  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *
WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 27, 2007 @ 4:30pm

More info:

1) Look how you have spelt your name above.
2) I was one of the worst spellers on this net. Thankfully, after a
couple of reminders from other netters, 
I now know to send my draft through a spell check BEFORE I hit the send
Some people here have forgotten the basics of writing. Others are too
far gone to remember anything. Yet others, do not care. All they want to
do is read their own posts. Our Arkansas spelling bee champion is
prime example. S/he, I will admit, is a special case. Strangely enough, the
number of people that adamantly refuse to sign their posts are growing
by the day. Once again, you always get the net group you deserve. If
no one objects to obnoxious posts, the obnoxious posters will rule, 

>  As for bindari IF HE CANNOT SPELL HIS OWN NAME, blame it on posters
on Goanet.
Bandari is an exception. If you have noticed, everyone treats him as
  Hi Mervyn,
  You are one of those who is on Goanet to read only your post.
  Why? I distinctly said in my last post:
  I was using the net when I had only 1K to deal with.
  A. All photos sent were to be deleted immidiately.
  B. forget = 4get
  C. tomorrow = 2moreO etc etc
  Why? Time taken on the net was charged by the second, and lenghty mail got 
  1. Bandari is an exception to you.
  2. RKN was an exception to Gabe.
  Is that how it is on Goanet - is it?
  3. Why is every one treating every one else as an exception on Goanet?
  Bandare or any one else does not have to sign their name.
  Ones name and email is on the top. 
  DID YOU MISS IT? it was always there!!
  Obnoxious mail on Goanet? ARE YOU ASLEEP? 
  or  ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS READ YOUR OWN POST (as you said above).

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