Bhandare Wrote

>While violence of any kind needs to be deplored it is

>time that anti hindu activities of the foreign

>sponsored missioanries need to be curtailed if peace

>is to be maintained.


Dear Chinmay

Religious conversion of Hindus is threatening individuals, families,
communities and the nation. Coercive religious conversion of Hindus
contains a threat to spiritual tradition and the freedom of choice. If
carried unchecked, coercive religious conversion would threaten the very
existence of India as a nation.

Armed with a rigid dogma, and a load of foreign money, missionaries are
on a warpath to forcefully convert hundreds and thousands of innocent
tribal Hindus. If unchecked, coercive religious conversion will have a
cataclysmic impact on our freedom.

In Goa the Portuguese perpetrated some of the worst atrocities ever
committed in Asia by Christianity upon another religion. Ultimately, the
Portuguese had to be kicked out of India, when all other colonizers had
already left.

The entire chunks of territories in the East India where the  poverty
and ignorance of the resident tribals made them easy prey to be
converted to Christianity by the Christian missionaries during the
British regime.

These missionaries  made the people to separate from their roots and
tradition, made them look towards a alien western culture and a way of
life which was not theirs.

Missionary propaganda is chauvinist who believes in  superiority /
supremacy of their religion over others. Their ideological pretensions
are smokescreens to destroy other religions and faiths. 

Freedom of religion is to practice ones' own religion different from
other religions. Hindus have every right to expect that they will not be
proselytized away from their own faith. Every citizen should be free
from foreign sponsored missionary groups. An individual converting under
psychological duress is loosing his very freewill and freedom of choice
and conscience.

Vinay Natekar


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